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Author Topic: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)  (Read 2397 times)


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Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« on: January 01, 2004, 12:44:08 AM »
Ok I saw a pretty high speed higher RPM(maybe between 400-420) player using this ball on a "flood of a wall" is what I call this house.  Now before someone makes a post about this guy not knowing how to use it or him "burning it up" that's just not the case, he's a top scratch player in the area and he really knows what he is doing.  Inside 6 to 6 seems to be an extremely high concentration of oil which forces you to bank the ball off of the extreme outside boards because out there is basically nothing.  

So after seeing the guy trying to play inside and up and in around 10 with this ball and it not wrinkling(it was overskidding the breakpoint in its box condition and just not recovering) I went up to him to talk to him about the ball and the pattern that this house puts out.  So when he realigned to play 12-4 with it, the ball recovered alot more but was still short of going flush.  He resulted to playing straight up six in the heads and letting the ball ride the dry/wet line before he could finally get the ball in the hole.  So then he offered me to throw the ball.  So I play my normal comfort zonem which is about 10-5 at the breakpoit (I have a 16.5 mph speed and 320 revrate) and I had trouble getting it to recover from the dry outside boards.

All I've been hearing is how aggressive this ball is but I really just don't see it.  This guy had no problem whatsoever getting his Pure Fuel and Element to recover from the outside bounce but this Anomaly just seemed a bit too lazy.  I am very interested in purchasing one of these but now I'm skeptical.  His ball also looked NOTHING like the internet pics.  It was a very dark blue(almost navy blue) with green and orange anomaly lettering.  Is it possible he got a bad ball or factory defect?  It just wouldn't hook in the oil and refused to make more than 10 boards of recovery out of the dry.

FYI his ball was set up like this(as were all of his other balls)

-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004

Edited on 1/1/2004 4:43 PM



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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2004, 04:19:46 PM »
Interesting and fair question. I'd forward it to Dyno-Thane themselves and see what they say. I haven't thrown one so I can't comment.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2004, 05:09:54 PM »

That is certainly not a strong drilling. Drilling a ball label today is not taking advantage of what the ball can do. Did the guy have the surface in factory condition or did he adjust it at all?

My Anomaly is strong. It is not what I will be using when I face a flood because the factory finish is not strong enough for that. If I would sand it down a bit, I think it could fit that bill nicely, but I like the strong backend reaction I get out of it.

If you are interested in it, just get it and put your favorite drill on it. You will be happy.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2004, 06:02:14 PM »
I know its a weak drilling but this is his favorite drill.  I'm guessing its at box finish since it's not really dull but more of a matte finish I'm guessing somewhere around 1000 grit.  What I don't understand is how his Element and Pure Fuel outhooked the Anomaly with the same drilling unless his is defective?
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004


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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2004, 06:08:54 PM »

That drilling can be weak if his PAP is more than 5" over. If he has the revs you say he has, that is not an especially weak drilling. ANd moving the pin over to 4" from his PAP would not make that dramatic a difference. It will make a difference.

However, there is one factor that seems to make a BIG difference, ESPECIALLY with the SOaker coverstock. They seem to need 15-25 games to break in. I can't say I have seen this on any other coverstock, but it does seem to be true for them.

How many games did he have on it before he and you couldn't make it hook, when needs be?
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2004, 06:09:56 PM »
I agree, the drilling is to blame.  This is not say that the ball is no good, but the drilling is defeating the purpose of the ball.

Case in point... my first Anomaly was drilled with the pin over my ring finger, which is about 5" from my PAP.  (I have about 5.5 - 5.75 axis. btw, telling us where the pin is in relation to his fingers is not the best help, the only thing that matters is where the pin is in relation to his PAP)  

This ball is very aggressive with my hand and ball speed.  It is not the most aggressive layout, but plenty strong and too strong for most conditions I encounter.  After consulting with DT headquarters I drilled a second Anomaly with the pin over my middle finger, this puts the pin about 6" from my PAP.  (both balls have the CG in my center grip)  The ball goes for DAYS!  Very long ball, I'll estimate that the ball is 12-15 boards weaker... and that is just a 1" difference in the pin placement.  

Did I kill this ball?  Not really.  This ball allows me to reeealy square up and even slow my ball speed down if I need to.  I have to get this ball into a roll midlane or else it never will flip... period.  It's conditional, but I knew that when I drilled it.

So I will order another Anomaly and put the pin between my finger, maybe kick the CG our a half inch positive or so to get the ball started a tad sooner.  I'll report back with the results after this.

Let it be known, that of the Element and both Things, I feel the Anomaly is the best of the bunch.  In my opinion, it's the "most" ball you can get from DT, and I mean that as in the best performer, not just boards to cover. When there was enough oil I was able to use the first Anomaly, it was amazing to watch.  And I'm not easily impressed.

I have every intention if drilling at least one more of these, like I mentioned above. If that works out, I might drill another just like it with a different CG placement and different surface.  I see this ball replacing my Vendetta Particle as my go-to ball. That's as much of a compliment as you'll get out of me.



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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2004, 06:50:36 PM »
The ball was in it's out of box finish.  My PAP is 4 3/4ths over and 7\16ths up.  He tracks a bit lower than me so that would pull his PAP in maybe 1/4th to 1/2 an inch, so we aren't your typical right up the back of the ball track right beside of the thumb strokers
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2004, 09:02:55 PM »
His Element and Top Fuel could be out hooking it simply because of those 2 balls have more games than the Anomaly. That on top of the weaker drill.

One of the things that really bother me (and you were not doing this, but may people on ballreviews have)is when someone has not even come close to developing a track in a ball before then post a review. I have found in almost every instance that a ball is much different after the track starts to develope.

I think a true sign would be once that bowler gets some wear on the factory smooth surface.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2004, 10:35:42 AM »
DynoThane drilling instruction sheet(located in the box)Layout # 3 is what I would have used if I wanted to get the full hook potential out of this or any other ball..
jimensminger D/T Staff


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Re: Just seen/thrown the what?(long post)
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2004, 09:36:25 AM »
new guy,

What is the strong(leverage)layout Layout#2 on the D/T drilling instruction sheet