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Author Topic: Lives or Returns?  (Read 1095 times)


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Lives or Returns?
« on: September 30, 2004, 04:21:40 AM »
I'm a high speed, medium revs, up-the-back style bowler.  I'm currently using a Storm Super Power (low-load particle, med RG, high Diff ball) that I'm having a hard time getting down the lane.  When I do hit my mark clean (I'm basically an up-and-in bowler, throwing across thirteen to about 10), the ball makes a nice move to the pocket, and typically strikes.  I say "typically" because the hits are often a little weak, so I leave a lot of tens and don't get a whole lot of pin action.  I think the combination of my style with a particle ball has my ball rolling out early.

I want a ball that gets down the lane further before it goes into a roll so I can save up some energy for the pocket hit.  After a bit of research, I'm leaning toward either the Thing Lives or the Thing Returns.  I'm a bit leary of the Returns because of the Pearl coverstock.  I typically bowl on a fresh house shot with medium-heavy oil.  As a higher speed bowler, I'm afraid a Pearl might be too "squirty", although with my tendency to put the ball into an early roll, this might be the right thing for me.  I know that either ball should provide more length than a Particle, I'm just not sure if a Solid or Pearl would be better.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

"So trip to, heave and ho. Up, down, to and fro"

"So trip to, heave and ho. Up, down, to and fro"



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Re: Lives or Returns?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 12:27:46 PM »
From what I've heard, the Thing Lives would be at least as strong as the SP.  Why not split the difference and get the original Thing?  It's a pearl/solid blend and takes well to surface changes.
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Re: Lives or Returns?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 12:48:05 PM »
THING LIVES, can always add a little polish as needed. I do.


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Re: Lives or Returns?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 01:21:03 PM »
I agree with Dan and also might take a look at the AU79. I would have a tough time believing that the Lives would go longer than the SP with all things such as drill pattern and cover grit being the same. Do you have the SP polished and to what grit level??


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Re: Lives or Returns?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2004, 05:54:40 PM »
Dan...thanks for the suggestion...the Thing just might be the ticket.

Leftyhi-trak...the AU 79 looks promising, too.  The SP is polished, 1000 grit.

The other problem I'm having with the SP is that it isn't handling carrydown very well.  As the lanes start to degrade, I have to really slow my delivery, thus weakening the hit even more, or it just flies through my breakpoint.  I think part of the problem is ball death.  I have roughly 250 games on the thing, and even though I had it resurfaced last year, and I've been religious about cleaning it, it doesn't seem to have the bite it did when I first got it.  

Unfortunately buying multiple balls to handle changing conditions is not an option.  I bowl in one league, September through May, every other Saturday.  Trying to convince my wife that I need to build an "arsenal" would be like trying to convince her that I didn't notice the 22 year old blonde who just moved in next door.

"So trip to, heave and ho. Up, down, to and fro"

"So trip to, heave and ho. Up, down, to and fro"