I'm a high speed, medium revs, up-the-back style bowler. I'm currently using a Storm Super Power (low-load particle, med RG, high Diff ball) that I'm having a hard time getting down the lane. When I do hit my mark clean (I'm basically an up-and-in bowler, throwing across thirteen to about 10), the ball makes a nice move to the pocket, and typically strikes. I say "typically" because the hits are often a little weak, so I leave a lot of tens and don't get a whole lot of pin action. I think the combination of my style with a particle ball has my ball rolling out early.
I want a ball that gets down the lane further before it goes into a roll so I can save up some energy for the pocket hit. After a bit of research, I'm leaning toward either the Thing Lives or the Thing Returns. I'm a bit leary of the Returns because of the Pearl coverstock. I typically bowl on a fresh house shot with medium-heavy oil. As a higher speed bowler, I'm afraid a Pearl might be too "squirty", although with my tendency to put the ball into an early roll, this might be the right thing for me. I know that either ball should provide more length than a Particle, I'm just not sure if a Solid or Pearl would be better.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
"So trip to, heave and ho. Up, down, to and fro"