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Author Topic: Mini-review: Barrage  (Read 2655 times)


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Mini-review: Barrage
« on: June 19, 2003, 12:07:06 PM »
For years, the Storm Blue Hot Flame was a great ball for me for all the dry-ish lane conditions I see. It gave me the hitting power of resin with the control and small hook/backend of urethane. My latest BHF is drilled 1:30 with CG at dead center and pin under the ring finger. The pin-to-CG distance is unusually long for a BHF at 2.5". SO it has a good backend for a BHF.

I had to get my hands on a Barrage, as I have loved Dyno-Thane balls since before it was bought by Storm and now by Phil C. Since the Barrage has the same "listed" coverstock as the Vendetta, which has a huge backend, I expected the Barrage to go much longer than the Vendetta dues to the core, but still hook much more than the Blue Hot at the backend. Tells what "assuming" can make you look like!

My Barrage also has about a 2.5" pin-to-CG distance and I drilled exactly the same as the BHF. This is roughly a 4"x5" drilling for me.

Well, I've used it on 3 different occasions on 3 different oil patterns, 2 comparing it to the BHF. On all conditions, both balls went about the same distance, but the BHF had about 2 more boards of backend. Both balls almost seem to ignore the heads completely; these heads were not burnt out, although one had barely what you would call oil on them. (One was a very light Sport shot.)

Since these balls both are pearlized, both retain energy very well. In one practice session, I used the Barrage on what was too much oil so it looked like a wet/dry when I used the Barrage. Hoever, time after time, when I threw the Barrage just inside the oil line, almost down the 6 board, it only hooked very slightly at the backend, YET it carried every time. I was just amazed. They were splash hits, with the 1 pin coming off the side board, but the angle must have been perfect as it carried as if I were Robert Smith, cranking the ball.

I'd like to use the ball in a few more places and a few more times before posting an official review.
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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2003, 07:16:42 AM »
I have used my barrage at both pba events that I have bowled  used pattern A.It plays very well when I can play outside th second arrow.I made both cuts but struggled on sunday when the shot was a little tighter.

So my opinion is that it is great when youcan play more down and in,but it will struggle in oil.

Not surprising, as the Barrage is designed for medium-light oil patterns to dry ones.


ps.It would be great if Dynothane would come out with another barrage with a particle cover so it could handle a little more oil.

Dyno-Thane has two options: the original Vendettta pearl and the new Vendetta Black solid resin ball. Both will handle the next stage of oil that may be too much for the Barrage.

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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2003, 04:34:20 PM »
Me too,
Oh,a,about NOT reviewing the Barrage officially either.I bought one for my left
hand.I kinda goofed.I bought a 12lber.I normally use a 13 or 14 for
my left.

My teeny "unofficial review",ITS NOT A BAD BALL"solid B",one has to get
the right weight that he/she can throw!I flung it,TOSSED it out there!
Yeesh way too light,bad mistake!!!I gave it away a week later.
Wow!I forgot that a pound or two made a differnce.I may get one later,but I'll make sure its heavier.For me as an emergency lefty,this ball has a very nice rounded hook,when you slow it down.Thats it,I only tested for a game and a
half.Thats my MINI review!!!

Wow! I'm kinda lookin' foward to some more MINI REVIEWS!


Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2003, 12:25:58 PM »
I now have enough games in to provide substantial information on the Barrage.  

1.  Overall.  Superior light oil ball.  The best on the market right now.  Not too flippy, strong hit.  More oil, put it away.

2.  Length.  Very good through the heads, starts to read in the midlane, gets through to the backends with energy saved except on scorched conditions.  Not for medium or more.  A light oil/breaking down lanes/light wet/dry ball.

3.  Move.  Smooth strong arc.  Does NOT overreact.

4.  Hook.  A very mild ball.  However, on the conditions for which it is appropriate, it hooks a surprising amount, more than I thought because the move is quite predictable and smooth.

5.  Hit.  Wow.  Better than the Kick.  As good as the Spirit.  Better than the Wild and Hits, comparable to the Black Magic when polished.  Better light than any of them.

6.  Control.  Forgiving on drying conditions and wet-dries.  Miss room left, some right, predictable.

7.  Value.  This ball can be picked up drilled, with inserts and slugs for less than $110 including tax.  Sensational ball for the $$.

"I'm God's gift to the lanes, sort of comic relief."

Edited on 8/29/2003 12:43 PM
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2003, 12:53:04 PM »
"As good as the Spirit"?? Holy Cow! Now everyone's going to want one. Whatever will Dyno-Thane do?? Why did you have give away all our secrets. I left them wanting more and you give them the kitchen sink!!

One addition: even if it starts to track a little, do not polish this ball. Let it go. You will still get all the length you need. Since it is only for dry lanes, you are not going to track it out. Polishing it was a disaster for me - I go sooooo much length, even with a mild polish. It arcs so nicely on dry lanes, in box condition. Mine looks more like a lightly polished solid; you can barely see the pearlization in it; this might be part of the reason for its arcing finsih.

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2003, 01:12:53 PM »
I think Phil can find some more to sell....Sorry about giving away our secrets.  Next time I'll post in code.
"I drink to forget.  Forget what? I dunno, I forgot that a long time ago."

Edited on 8/29/2003 1:22 PM
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2003, 02:22:05 PM »
How is it on carrydown?  My BHF was a great ball, but hated any hint of carrydown, I cured that with a coat of liquid sandpaper.  Surprisingly, it was still the best ball for toasted lanes even in its duller state.  This Barrage might be what I am looking for.


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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2003, 02:58:00 PM »
How is it on carrydown?  My BHF was a great ball, but hated any hint of carrydown, I cured that with a coat of liquid sandpaper.  Surprisingly, it was still the best ball for toasted lanes even in its duller state.  This Barrage might be what I am looking for.

It's a dry lanes ball; it's not designed for carrydown on dry lanes. No ball is designed for both.

If you sand the BHF, then it won't be good for dry lanes anymore.
Been there; done that. Can't have it both ways.

If you need to ignore the heads, such that you need Blue Hot Flame or a Barrage, and you have carrydown such that either ball does not work, then find another tournament or another bowling center. These extremes are not bowling, by any stretch of the imagination.

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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2003, 05:07:18 PM »
I,m afraid you misunderstood.  I did not sand the BHF, but applied neotac liquid sandpaper with a spinner.  This approximates a matte surface of 1000 grit depending on pressure used.  In the normal process of lane transition there usually will be carry down whether in the midlane or back ends, however minimal it might be.  The blue hot flame for me, in its polished state, went dead straight if it hit any oil at all.  With the matte surface it behaved on dry like a red pulse would om medium oil.  The Red Pulse and Bhf was the best 2 ball arsenal I've ever owned for league bowling.  In this game there are no absolutes, for my hand and speed this worked for me, may not for you as you stated.


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Re: Mini-review: Barrage
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2003, 05:26:57 PM »
I,m afraid you misunderstood.  I did not sand the BHF, but applied neotac liquid sandpaper with a spinner.  This approximates a matte surface of 1000 grit depending on pressure used.  

I did not misunderstand. Liquid sandpaper is the equivalent of sanding with 1000 grit sandpaper.

In the normal process of lane transition there usually will be carry down whether in the midlane or back ends, however minimal it might be.  The blue hot flame for me, in its polished state, went dead straight if it hit any oil at all.

Agreed; it will do that. It (& the Barrage) are for *VERY* dry, when there is no carrydown or carrydown possibility.


 With the matte surface it behaved on dry like a red pulse would om medium oil.  The Red Pulse and Bhf was the best 2 ball arsenal I've ever owned for league bowling.  

Oh, can I see that!! Can I ever see that!

You have my sincere condolences. That environment is worse than I see sometimes.
I can empathize.

In this game there are no absolutes, for my hand and speed this worked for me, may not for you as you stated.

As I stated originally, if you need the BHF or the Barrage to clear the heads, YET need stronger to handle Carrydown, that is one severely messed up bowlign environment. You need to have a MAJOR talk with the management of that pseudo-bowling center!!!

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
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