
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: doggie on November 12, 2006, 06:37:22 AM

Title: more thoughts on the 44 mag
Post by: doggie on November 12, 2006, 06:37:22 AM
took it out for a spin today and i believe i figured the ball out.
my drill is about 4 by 4 with pin about 1 inch above and to the rt
of the rf. the ball wants to play an inside line due to the strength
of the cover. i stood about 32 threw it out over 13 at the arrows
and watched the ball come back with authority off the breakpoint.
threw 236 226 and 277 with it. imo u coould play an inside line in
med oil and straight down and in in heavy with this ball. it is hard
to throw it too far outside it will come back. havent used in league yet
but will use tomorrow night. ball also revs up very nice in the mids and
has a great hit to it
