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Author Topic: My first impressions of the VP2  (Read 3626 times)


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My first impressions of the VP2
« on: March 03, 2004, 12:33:04 AM »
Only about a game or two with the ball and a pretty walled up shot.  But I just had one of my Vendetta Particle Pearls drilled.  Pin about 1:00 over my ring finger, 4-1/2" from my PAP... and the CG dead center in my grip about 5-3/4" from my PAP.  

It clears the heads very well.  Pretty much skids past the front part of the midlane without much effort and then it starts to build some friction, reads lightly.  In the backend it's not jumpy AT ALL... very firm, almost casual, move to the pocket. Easily the most "usable" control ball Dyno-thane has to offer.  I say "usable" because the Barrage would be a very condition specific ball, whereas the VP2 seems to be usable on most anything short of extreme oil/dry.  

It's too early to make predictions about this ball, but this ball has bumped my Thing Returns out of my triple ball bag already (I now have the Vendetta Black, American Eagle spare ball, and VP2 in there).  I can also say that I was sent two of these balls under my staff contract, the second one is not drilled yet, and I've already ordered a third.  I KNOW I'm going to like this ball.  I loved the Vendetta Particle but when it doesn't clear the heads this ball will.  An absolute perfect compliment to each other.




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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2004, 04:02:50 PM »
Stop teaseing me damit. You know I want one, but can I get one NOOOOOOOOOO the arent in yet and I start my weekly league routine the next three nights. how am I supposed to get ready for copperfield if I dont have new stuff to throw. Hopefully when I get to the shop tonight they will be in.
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 06:53:39 AM »
Thanks Dyno, more money I could be saving or putting to use around the house will go towards a bowling ball.  

And........your problem is ?!?!?

Tony,...where does this ball fit in the Vendetta line-up? If you were to list the Vendettas strongest to weakest, how would it look ? Cosidered they are all drilled the same, thrown by the same bowler, on the same condition?

Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2004, 10:47:28 AM »
***These are MY opinions and may not be consistent with others***

In order or the ball that covers the most boards to the least boards:
(boards of hook are just for comparisons)

1. Vendetta Black: Continues to be my strongest ball of the line.  Reads midlane more than the VP and is very continuous.  The most aggressive of the bunch.  Medium midlane reaction with aggressive backend.  About 15-18 boards of hook.

2. Vendetta Particle: Has always been my favorite ball to wear the DT logo.  Mine are all polished, it's low load particle gives a very arcy reaction without an over aggressive backend.  Medium midlane reaction with a medium/strong backend.  About 13-16 boards of hook.

3. Red/Black Vendetta: I've had trouble with this ball because it was so snappy for me.  I think the coverstock causes too much energy retention and with my game it just snapped too hard.  It does clear the heads very well, however anyone who reads my posts knows that I like arcy stuff. Very mild midlane reaction with strong backend.  About 11-14 boards of hook, hockey stick style.

4. Vendetta Particle Pearl: Only a few games with this ball so far but I know this is going to be the control ball I've been looking for.  Mine is drilled fairly strong (4-1/2 X 5-3/4)and it is still relatively tame. I expect some people to be disappointed in the amount of hook considering how aggressive other pearl particle balls are. This will make a nice first-out-of-the-bag ball because it will give a perfect read of the lane without getting you in trouble.  It will show enough of the midlane and backends without hooking off the lane. Should work on all all conditions except the extreme oil/dry.  Mild midlane reaction with mild/medium backend.  About 11-14 boards of hook, arcy style.



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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2004, 10:52:45 AM »
could you be more specific please!

Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2004, 11:08:27 AM »
yes, please add dates, times and ambient temperatures to clarify you findings.
and wind direction and velocity would be helpful.also was wind chill, and heat index factored into these calculations..?.thanks jim

Edited on 3/4/2004 12:05 PM


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2004, 11:10:53 AM »
yes, please add dates, times and ambient temperatures to clarify you findings.
and wind direction and velocity would be helpful..thanks jim

thanks Jim,...YEAH,....I mean for Christ's sake, answer the question please !!
What's wrong with him!?   Haahaaa haaa
Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2004, 12:51:25 PM »
AHHHHHH  dangit went to the shop last night still not in. Talked to the distributor and he is clueless to when they will be in. Is there a break down on communication some where or are they just hideing them from me. I want one and I want one now.
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2004, 02:16:02 PM »
Tony could you give us the layouts on the balls please!!!!!
***These are MY opinions and may not be consistent with others***

In order or the ball that covers the most boards to the least boards:
(boards of hook are just for comparisons)

1. Vendetta Black: Continues to be my strongest ball of the line.  Reads midlane more than the VP and is very continuous.  The most aggressive of the bunch.  Medium midlane reaction with aggressive backend.  About 15-18 boards of hook.

2. Vendetta Particle: Has always been my favorite ball to wear the DT logo.  Mine are all polished, it's low load particle gives a very arcy reaction without an over aggressive backend.  Medium midlane reaction with a medium/strong backend.  About 13-16 boards of hook.

3. Red/Black Vendetta: I've had trouble with this ball because it was so snappy for me.  I think the coverstock causes too much energy retention and with my game it just snapped too hard.  It does clear the heads very well, however anyone who reads my posts knows that I like arcy stuff. Very mild midlane reaction with strong backend.  About 11-14 boards of hook, hockey stick style.

4. Vendetta Particle Pearl: Only a few games with this ball so far but I know this is going to be the control ball I've been looking for.  Mine is drilled fairly strong (4-1/2 X 5-3/4)and it is still relatively tame. I expect some people to be disappointed in the amount of hook considering how aggressive other pearl particle balls are. This will make a nice first-out-of-the-bag ball because it will give a perfect read of the lane without getting you in trouble.  It will show enough of the midlane and backends without hooking off the lane. Should work on all all conditions except the extreme oil/dry.  Mild midlane reaction with mild/medium backend.  About 11-14 boards of hook, arcy style.



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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2004, 02:38:26 PM »
Tony, is your ranking just for you, your layouts with your style on your normal lane conditions, or is that the way you see the lineup in general?

In general, I thought it would be:


from overall strongest to overall weakest, especially if by "strong" you mean "good on oil".

Whaddya say?
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2004, 02:41:39 PM »
Uhmm seadrive...

***These are MY opinions and may not be consistent with others***

Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2004, 04:08:01 PM »
Jeff, everything we say here is only our opinion.

What I'm asking is if Tony's opinion is that the black solid Vendetta is a stronger ball in general than the Vendetta Particle, or is his stronger only because of the way he has it drilled and prepped, compared to his VP.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2004, 05:38:28 PM »
seadrive.......OOOPS.....gotchya! my fault!
Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2004, 06:12:57 PM »
Maybe I shouldn't have posted all that. I knew people had different feelings about these balls.  Remember what Phil said... I AM an anomaly.

I never thought the Vendetta Particle was a particularly strong ball.  I've never had one that wasn't polished, but they've all been fairly mild... considering it's a particle ball.

The Vendetta Solid has out-hooked all the Vendettas... for me.  They are polished too, but still it's the strongest of the buch... for me.

I supposed if I were to drill a Vendetta Particle strong and leave the surface alone, it would cover more boards.  But I have an Anomlay that does that and I rarely need it.  

The Vendettas is slowly becoming one of the strongest series on the market. It would be a mistake not to make more, with tweaked cores and covers.  For the price, how can anyone NOT try a Dyno-thane ball?  My recommendation for someone who doesn't have one is to get a Solid and drill it strong, tweak the cover with polish until it's perfect.  Then try the Particle Pearl with the same layout.  These two are great compliments.

Have fun!


Mike Austin

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Re: My first impressions of the VP2
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2004, 01:05:31 AM »
I would say from a pro shop guy's point of view, and using the ball in close to box surface on the lane condition they were meant for, the balls would line up like this:

1. Vendetta Particle (can you say Super Power??  This ball is really versatile)
2. Vendetta Black (good mid lane read, but sharper and more back end than V Particle)
3. Vendetta (more length with pearl shell, more back end than previous 2)
4. Vendetta Pearl Particle (more length than V Particle solid, with smooth break point of particle shell.  Almost as much length as Vendetta, but smoother break point.  Can you say El Nino 2000, except smoother!!!!)

Hope this helps ya...
Mike Austin
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