Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: Bar5003 on February 19, 2007, 12:24:26 AM
Since i got an NGS before everything happened i decided i would put a video together comparing it and the original Threshold
Although i am unsure of the future of this will give you an idea of how it compared for me!
Let me know what you think!
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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Edited on 2/19/2007 9:22 AM
- did you get an NGS!?
...I want one.
very nice we ASSume oob on the cover?
and of course the final side, finger wgts?
all in all...A-
Yes both are OOB
i forget the finger/thumb weights but we took the threshold to 0 side and the NGS is at 1/2+ i believe
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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very nice video. I really like that comparison of the two balls.
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Track - Revmaster
Ebonite - Matrix III
Storm - Soccer Ball
Very nice video. Thanks for the comparison.
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!
I gotta say your video's are really the best on the site. Now find a "Krista" and you're in. 
Britton probably got one from the overseas pour.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Great comparison video! I enjoyed every second of it. Thanks for playing similar lines with each ball. Gives us an idea of how much of a difference there really is since they had similar layouts. Keep em' coming and keep up the good work.
By the way, love the song on this video. What's the title and who sings it. Does anyone know?
I gotta say your video's are really the best on the site. Now find a "Krista" and you're in. 
Hmmm...a Krista eh? Not a bad idea... 
Thanks for the complements Guys, it really makes the work worth it!
And as for how i got it...i have my connections 
PS the song is SNOW by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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Edited on 2/19/2007 4:08 PM
Just got the ngs from tekneek very nice looking ball, i hope it rolls as well for me as it did you in your video.
When you going to use yours? I get mine on Thursday and I can't wait. Like you said, I hope I can make mine look as good as Britton's. What layout you going to use? I went with a 4x5.
Hook 'em Horns!
My standard new drilling pattern pin under ring cg tucked below and mb one inch right and below my thumb no weight hole. I try to use the weight hole as a last resort as taught to me by drilling guru Ken keegan from K&K Bowling services in Las Vegas. Fine tune reaction if nothing else works but being a play straight up i know this ball will probably work well oob for me.
Very beautiful colors on this rare ball contact Tekneek for the last go round