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Author Topic: New Element Zr40  (Read 7047 times)

DynoLess Daddy

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New Element Zr40
« on: January 15, 2006, 08:36:49 AM »
Yo Yo yo!  It is real smooth and forgiving off the back end. I was able to play the tug area and still carry. A definite keeper compared to my other elements.

If you  play house and need to move in and control the lane but still keep a strong move to the pocket then this is for you!!!

rec the ball last week and had to let Billy know that I finally found an element that might be better than my vendettas!

40 ft House.....smooth and strong arc....38 foot house skid...Hard arc
37ft sport.....Midlane control
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)


Edited on 1/15/2006 5:26 PM



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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2006, 06:57:37 AM »
Our test balls showed up yesterday so I made a trip up to the shop to punch mine up.  Went with a 50 degree layout, 5.5" Pin-PAP distance which put the pin just above my middle finger.  Ball didn't need a weight hole in it, but I have the finger pretty deep to get the ball legal.

I love the look of this ball...very nice grey pearl and the yellow logos don't over power the ball.  I was a little surprised to see how different this ball looks from the overseas release...but the US version looks nicer IMHO.

I took the ball out to the lanes to compare it against my Centrifugal Mass and High Energy.   I only had time to throw 3 games total, but out of the gate I can see the ball fitting in between the two.  Ball got good length and was able to open up the lane more than the CM.  However, pulled to far into the oil and the ball would skate...not as big of an issue with the HE.  To be honest, I couldn't make a great comparison as I needed to redo the thumb in the ball as I took too much bevel out of the thumb so I didn't have the proper feel at all.

So far it's seems promising, though I wish I had the Gold to compare it to.  I'll fix the thumb and give it more time before I post a full review.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2006, 10:26:55 AM »
Another 750+ last night,,..somebody stop me before I hurt something,..that's with 2 missed ten pins,...spares are for sissies anyway,...jim


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2006, 10:47:16 AM »
I've been looking at the CM for a heavier oil ball and for the medium house shot, I'm thinking the Vapor Zone is what I want; the VZ revs quickly and has a strong backend.

What in Dyno-thane's line matches up with the VZ?  The new Element ZR40?



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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2006, 06:19:22 AM »
league Thru morn 258-213-268,...can't put this one down.


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2006, 07:20:51 AM »
Dave, the VP is a nice ball, my shop ass't has one drilled very agressive and neg side, he couldn't keep it in check, so we put 1/2 oz pos side back in and it became a much better control ball. Based off core numvers alone the ZP is earlier and will not have the recovery as the Zr40 will have.

If you want a great med to med heavy (with lower ball speed or good bit of hand)I'd go Zr40. I have one 4-1/2 x 3-1/2 pin half in the ring, 3/8 pos side and it is one of the best contol balls I've seen. Very smooth off the break,yet angular, no herky jerky movement and still covers carrydown without a problem. I'm so impressed with it I turned loose of my AU79.
Stars N Strikes Pro Shop
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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2006, 07:09:09 PM »
has anyone heard release date yet


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2006, 07:25:39 PM »
They were released on the 25th...there is an Ebay store selling them for $139
Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2006, 10:42:28 PM »
I used my zr40 last night another great ball, i had it punched up stacked 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 pin over ring finger with no weight hole. Ball retains energy very well and needs no help turning the corner on the backend. Later and much more angular at the breakpoint than my au79 is, not as snappy as the vendetta pearl. I can see why they are shooting numbers with this ball already the carry is better than average, my first game was 222. For me the ball does not like alot of carrydown, maybe its just me or maybe just too shiny out of the box. I am leaving the ball alone i like the ball reaction and hit too much to screw up a good thing. Good job dynothane on another solid release that does something different than previos releases and does not overlap in ball reaction.


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2006, 09:23:52 PM »
Barry, after you get a few games on her she'll settle down somewhat. mine seemed a bit inconsistant at first now after 21 games it has become like throwing a ball with a remote control in the other hand, so predictible, consistant breakpoint almost boring except when it gets to the pin deck, then its controlled violence, LOL
Stars N Strikes Pro Shop
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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2006, 06:03:21 AM »
THE Z,..won a Senior All Star Bowling Assoc,(SASBA)scratch tournament this weekend in Oklahoma City,..shot a 300, and averaged 255.7 for 18 games. Any questions,..lapped the field. Thank you GUYS.


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2006, 07:23:48 AM »
Atta boy Jim, way to get - r- done. Great shooting !!!!
Stars N Strikes Pro Shop
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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2006, 08:45:05 AM »
THE Z,..won a Senior All Star Bowling Assoc,(SASBA)scratch tournament this weekend in Oklahoma City,..shot a 300, and averaged 255.7 for 18 games. Any questions,..lapped the field. Thank you GUYS.

Thanks a whole bunch, Jim!
So what the heck am I supposed to do with this High Energy I just had drilled up 2 days ago pending my return to bowling???
Dag-nabit! Dyno-Thane is getting as bad as Track. For such small companies- too danged many releases!! Like really!
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2006, 09:37:26 AM »
High Energy was released in April or May 2005.  3 energy balls in one year, not 3 in one month like the company you compared us to.
This is the 3rd Element in 4 years, that really is way to frequent for the Element line isn't it.

Edited on 2/6/2006 10:25 AM


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2006, 10:06:02 AM »
CHAS,..great choice,..

I don't think D/T floods the market,..but each and every new ball (usually every 6-8 weeks) gets better and better...

I used the HE at Nationals last year, was just off the press,..won about 8 grand,..STILL tickin'...

One thing about our equipment is that there always seems to be a little more innovation in each ball that keeps them very contemporary...although I'll be the first to admitt, that I never leave home without my THING, Ven BLACK, or AU79,..all which have 100's of games on them...jim


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Re: New Element Zr40
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2006, 10:20:26 AM »
High Energy was released in April or May 2005.  3 energy balls in one year, not 3 in one month like the company you compared us to.
This is the 3rd Element in 4 years, that really is way to frequent for the Element line isn't it.

Edited on 2/6/2006 10:25 AM

Excuse me!
There is no "Element" line or "Energy" line; maybe in your head, you think of them that way. All I see is a "Premium" line". That was my objection 2-3 years ago, right here in ballreviews, to the way you named your lines of balls. But, based on whatyou're now saying, those demarcations are not really "lines' of balls.

If you don't differentiate them anywhere except "in your eyes", how can you expect us to? After all, we've been conditioned that ball names mean next to nothing, except something catchy for marketing purposes. If you're saying these are now specific lines, do that in the website and tell us what you designed them for or how they are intended to act. (Yes, I see a little of that in each ball description).

Part of the basis for what I say above is that, since there was only one "Thing" and one "Element" for a while now, I would hardly consider each to be a "line" of balls. Is the "Critical Mass" the first of a new line of balls?So, why should one consider the Energys a line of balls, even if there were 3 of them?

Are you now going to have 4 lines within the Premium Priced Class of balls, as delineated by the "Soaker" coverstock?

The Vendettas are obviously a line of balls, because they have one for almost every purpose you can think of, PLUS they are separated from all the Soaker coverstocks, which is where you placed your premium "priced" balls. Perfectly justifiable.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"None are so blind as those who will not see."