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Author Topic: New Guy Stomps Bamaster!  (Read 1302 times)


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New Guy Stomps Bamaster!
« on: May 01, 2004, 08:39:23 PM »

  1 Malott, Wes - Austin, Texas                2049            
 27 Cardinale, Phil - San Antonio, TX          1750            
 50 Melendez, Tony - Houston                   1683            
108 Yinger, Billy - San Antonio, TX            1489          

afbowler wins by calling it to the pin, at 67.

Better luck next year, Tony.  Them old-timers from Brooklyn can still bowl, eh?
Cogito ergo bowl



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Re: New Guy Stomps Bamaster!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2004, 12:39:52 PM »
Ok, ok.  I got beat.  I was surprised.  We were real close until he popped off a 279 in game 7. Then I finished with a lovely 180 game.  Shoulda been a lot closer than 67 pins.  I expected to be around 130 over, but it wasn't meant to be.  Whiffed a few too many spares.

Phil had his career best tournament.  (hehe)  I was also pretty hurt.  Wrist is about 70% of where it should be.  I was also throwing a new Element Au79 15 lb ball (first one I've thrown so I didn't have a great feel for what the ball should do) drilled the day before when every other ball I have is 14.... the extra pound threw my timing off.  I was also on one of the few pairs with only three bowlers, the rest had four.  So that meant we'd bowl then we switched pairs and had to wait 20 minutes for them to finish.  Getting cold between games cost me.  Phil also paid off the lanes guy I heard.  Hmmm... what else can I say?... hmmm... oh yeah, I'm back in retirement.  Phil can take a photo of me and hang it on his wall next to the deer antlers and all.  

*walks away from the computer crippled*


Edited on 5/2/2004 12:34 PM


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Re: New Guy Stomps Bamaster!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2004, 01:02:37 PM »
Haha, I didn't want to say earlier, but Bamaster shouldn't be worrying about Phil right now.  There's no doubt in my mind that Phil's a good bowler, but I would be looking to beat Wes and CJ.

You forget one very critical point in your thought...neither Wes nor CJ employ Tony in any capacity  

Which of course means that losing to Phil was job security for Tony...but you were never going to see that in the list of reasons that Tony offered up