Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: bamaster on April 28, 2004, 02:29:18 AM
For those that don't already know, this weekend there is a PBA regional event in Phil's hometown of San Antonio, Texas. Phil bowls league in the house and Dyno-thane is a co-sponsor of the event. And those that know me, know that I have come out of retirement just to bowl this event. I have tenodonitis in my wrist and hadn't thrown a ball in over 5 weeks before last Thursday. He's a leftie and I'm a rightie. He's old and I'm handsome.
So place your bets!
Who's gunna have the highest 8-game qualifying score? Whoever picks the winner and guesses by how many pins without going over... WINS!
Only one prediction per poster. Entries end on Friday at midnight. If a duplicate exists, the first to submit gets it.
The winner gets at least a tote bag generously donated by the loser. I have a new tote bag I can give to the winner if by a freak accident I lose. Phil can at least do the same after I whip up on him.
Edited on 4/28/2004 7:56 PM
I win biatchs!!!
Tony, since I don't wanna be kicked off the AB team (P.S. good job on signing Eli
), I'll say you.
And yes, I have already replied to your post that quick.
I will take tony by 86 pins in the 8 games, good luck to both and tony dont let us down
Although, if I happen to see, I don't know, a full D/T arsenal at my house, I might change my mind...

And yes, I have already replied to your post that quick.
Go on then,I'll be the first to back Phil.
The pin difference I'll say 103.
But mainly Good Luck to both of you.
Remember kids, he beat me by 36 pins last year. I spoke with Steve Hoskins on Monday and he told me I owe it to the staffers to beat him. Haha!
phil by 51
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
I'll take Phil by 56 sticks.
Good luck to both of you.
"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail." - Gore Vidal
Phil by....27
"I may not have much, but I do have more determination than any man your likely to meet."
Let's see... Phil's a lefty... In his own house... In a tourney sponsored by the same company he reps for... Doesn't have tendonitis... Hasn't been in "retirement" for the last 5 weeks... Sorry Tony, the deck is stacked against ya! I'm gonna take Phil by 142 pins.
9 is back with a Vengeance!
Hummm, Pattern E. I'll go with the lefty

Neither of you will cash but will get close. I'll go with Phil at +80 and Tony at +36.
Billy Yinger will no doubt win the tournament
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose
Phil by 66, and let's have both of you make the cut!
Not having seen either of you bowl, I need to go with my instinct on this one...
Phil by 117 pins.
Well, I picked a random number and flipped a coin. Let's see how complete random chance works.
Tails = Phil
Random Number = 107
Kill the back row
If yall notice the hose pointed out hes a lefty bowling on pattern E witch will be a ditch shot. Phil by 207 pins Not that tony cant bowl but i think its harder to hit this shot with his type of game not to mention the amount of traffic he will be bowling against.
Phil by 79 pins in honor of his new creation the Element Au79.
Phil by....121. He is a lefty, after all.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
sorry, I'm jumpin' on the Tony bandwagon!!

Tony by a mass bias ! .........uh,...ooops !
Tony by 47
Good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot....COME ON JEFF ! String a couple would ya !
phil by 93
Phil by 18. Good luck to all.
" Focus the next shot is critical"
What kind of surface are you bowling on?
Phil by 75...
The bowling gods said "let there be strikes" and then there was Dyno-Thane!
If we win, do we also get one of them alleged "gold memberships" I've heard you guys talk about? Wait, I never actually put my bet over....
OK, I'll stick to it (and I expect something in the mail
), and pick señor Melendez, by 37. Yay, I win!
This is post #900! Yay, 100 more and I officially am inducted into the "Get a Life group!!!" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! 
And yes, I have already replied to your post that quick.
What kind of surface are you bowling on?
Astro Bowl is old wood. But I heard they replaced some boards and supposedly fixed the heads (not sure what that means, it's just what I heard).
I know the odds are stacked against me. He's been practicing on it all week and drilling equipment just to beat me. But like all the guys who bet on George Foreman learned... can't beat youth!
I'm already practicing my award speech. Ahem! "I'd like to thank all the liuttle people who supported me in my early years. My parents, my agent, and God... without whom none of this would be possible. You like me! You reeeeally like me!"
Phil by 67
This is FUN!
Phil by 51 sticks!
If someone before me picked this number .. add one till it becomes the next avialable number! Thanks!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
Phil by 39...
If you can't DODGE it, RAM IT!!
I'd put a witty bowling slogan on here, but I'm not that good yet...
Phil by 44 pins. Sorry Tony, you always gotta go with the healthy lefty.
"If you are a 12 year old girl, and high on marijuana, don't ride your bike."
I got a late start on this one. I'll take the non-crippled, wrong sider, on his home house, with bad wood, on an easy pattern.
Adds up to Phil by 127.
Penn State Proud
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
I will take Tony by 26 pins.
I'm gonna take Phil by an even 20, that's roughly 2 sticks a game...and I say they BOTH make the cut! Can't wait to get my bag...:-)
Andrew Loose
Illinois State University Men's Bowling Team
Phil by 137.
When the bowler that I am meets up with the bowler I ought to be; I'll be one bad Motherf%&$r!
hmm...decisions, decisions...but I will have to go with Phil by 11. Tony has a chance to tie him but stones a 9 in the 11th of the last game.
tony by 59
Phil by 143 pins
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.
You've gotta like a good bet, and I've gotta go with the hometown guy with local knowledge of probably every board at that house. Phil by 144!!!
phil... 81pins
Since ya'll are both throwing dynothane, Doesn't look good for either
Phil by 74
Thanks!!! Kyle 
Have to go with the one house hometown lefty.
BY 9 pins.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins
Tony by 28
The award speech has shown me who is more serious here
and made my decision easy
Phil by 178 pins...
I think Phil will best Tony by two pins.
Tony by 42pins
i gotta go with the righty
All pins fall eventually, even if you have to use a second ball.
Phil by 8.
I don't know what I don't know!
I am going to say the winner by the amount they win by, lol
I say Phil by 76.
I've felt the hate rise up in me.
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves.
I wonder out where you can't see.
Inside my shell, I WAIT AND BLEED.
Edited on 4/29/2004 6:28 AM
Phil by 61
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD
Phil by 19
Phil by 41 pins.
Taste The Rainbow!
Looks like 49 for Phil, 9 for bam.
I'll take Tony by 32. Pattern E, he should be banking those D/T balls right off the 2 board into the pocket all day long. It wouldn't be so close, but ya gotta give the house mouse lefty an extra 50 pins just for being... a house mouse lefty. 
Cogito ergo bowl
44 for Tony. Gotta represent the non geriatrics
Since ya'll are both throwing dynothane, Doesn't look good for either

methinks Smurf is still wishing that the T-n-T wasn't conflicting with the regional
I'll take Phil by 29.
New Guy by 53.
Good luck & good bowling
I'll drop him like 12th grade French....Me by 42
By the way if I'm 80 over like one of the prediction said, that could be in the top 10 scores. last year it took 8 under to make the cut, I was 30 over and had a 140 game thrown in.
In the immortal words of Julius Ceaser (the inventor of the salad and the original use of Mass Bias that's how the Romans conquered the world they had Mb shields and Swords the others did not)...."Let the games begin"
See I worked in a Mb anyway....amazing
I'm so worried that today I'm going to practice.....Golf that is noon tee time.
Advil man better be shoeing up and working on his game.
Phil, you forgot to note that Caesar also insisted on the importance of measuring the mass bias and time it took for the spears used by his soldiers to return to their preferential rotational axis, measured by Caesar's own diVinator.
Oh, and 42? That's all? In your house? With his excuses? In a tournament you are sponsoring? On Pattern E? Wimpy lefty!

"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Edited on 4/29/2004 11:57 AM
2) not just a lefty but an accurate lefty
Isn't that one of there OxyMorons?
I still say Yinger beats you both
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose
Can they bowl that many games with out resting is my question,...I hope they don't hurt themselves...
Hey, Phil that's not fair!! IF you posted that earlier, you'd have my vote....
Can I switch a word in one of my posts? 
And yes, I have already replied to your post that quick.
Phil by 49
-DJ Marshall
"Repetition beats luck everytime"
Phil by 73.
Bowling - it's NOT just a game anymore.
Phil by 68.
Phil by 20. And everybody who voted for bamaster will not get the new Element Au79 from Phil.
who said it was a new Au79,..I believe the comment was "one of my own personal stocked Element Au79",..who said it was new...?
Edited on 4/30/2004 1:49 PM
I'll take phil by 118
Phil by 20. And everybody who voted for bamaster will not get the new Element Au79 from Phil.
Who said Phil will be giving a new Element AU79? Please read the above again.
just kiddin'...I'm sure Phil will come through..
Tony wins, by 3 pins
C-G Pro Shop
phil by 13 if i'm not too late....
The question isn't what are we going to do today, it's what aren't we going to do today.
TODAYS SOUP : Chicken Noodle
PBAFIRE .. I thought there were two rounds of eight games before they make a cut! It was my impression that the BET is based on QUALIFING .. that would be after tomorrows round of 8 games .. I THINK!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
Joe, there are 2 squads of qualifying, 8 games each squad. Then it's a cut to the top 1/3 for Sunday morning where they bowl a best of 5. By the looks of it only Phil made the cut. Perhaps pbafire is correct about the spread for qualifying.
The summer... time to get my ARSEnal in gear!
That was a lot more complicated then my simple mind made it ... Thanks!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
Yeah, the bet was for qualifying only. There are 8 games in qualifying. We were on the the same squad (A squad) and he whooped me. If I had knocked 18 more sticks down I would hae cashed and made it to Sunday and at least bowled 5 more games during the semifinals and could have made a charge at that lead he got on me. But it was not to be.
I send "afbowler" a private message to get his address. I owe him a tote bag. And for the record, Phil was going to give an undrilled Element Au79 from his personal inventory... as opposed to ordering it from a warehouse.
Congrat to Phil. He beat me on a shot I thought I was going to tear up. After During practice I had a great shot off the gutter. I had him for a while, but he popped off a big game and I finished like a punk, as usual. Didn't make some key shots and missed too many easy spares. Cost me this bet and a check in the tournament.
Tony .. good showing .. we are still PROUD of you .. you made it interesting for all of US! Thanks!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O