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Author Topic: New Thing, New Crisis, New Anomaly, New Vendetta, New Barrage! any info?  (Read 921 times)


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I just got my 2004-2005 Dynothane Catalog and There's a new ball in every line with a question mark on it.  The Anomaly Particle and New Vendetta Pearl have already been claimed but anyone have any word on the new Thing, Crisis and Barrage?  I'm hoping for that Crisis Pearl.  Thing AU79 maybe?  We'll see
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick



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Goto your local pro shop, they should have it.  The Anomaly said September 2004, the Crisis said October 2004, the Vendetta said July 2004, and the Barrage was December 2004.
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick