Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: The Ratpack on April 11, 2004, 02:34:23 AM
In the last three months I have bought a Thing and Thing Returns and am very happy with both of these balls, my concern is over the cleaning of them.I have seen a couple of posts on this but the answers were varied,as I am the only bowler in the two centres I bowl in with D/T equipment no-one here can help (I am in the UK).I don't want to do anything to spoil the performance of them.
Thanks for your replies,yes I know the subject was brought up before but there seemed various answers,now that I have it from the people in the know as it were I can do the job right,the fact is that bowling balls here in the UK are not cheap,i.e.for the Thing and T/R the cost was $350 each drilled out the door this is the usual cost for high end balls so I can't afford to screw one up by not looking after them right.I will add though that D/T has another convert these balls are great,even if none of my fellow bowlers have them (yet as I do sing thier praises as it were)anyway thanks again,Alan.
409 and Simple Green, or any other cleaner/degreaser is okay, and will NOT leave a film if you use hot water in conjunction with them. Hot water removes any film or residue, and i have NEVER had aproblem with my ball's reaction, as a matter of fact they react better when cleaned, even with what I use. JMHO!!
If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; if you Upset Clump, You Gets Clumped Up!!
Saw Mill,
Have you swiched to Dynothane?
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
Ratpack, Sawmill is right there is nothing wrong with using household cleaners and degreasers as they clean your equipment better than most ABC approved cleaners on the market. I too bowl with expensive equipment as all mine are BUZZSAWS. I use windex or foamm glass cleaner for my polished balls, and i use 409, or fantastik for my sanded equipment and they perform time and time again with no loss of reaction. These cleaners do not leave a film on your balls unless you do not wipe them with a clean dry or damp cloth after the initial cleaning. Hope this helps you....>>>>>>>>>>>>>THERE IS ONLY LANE #1

just asking. Saw was giving advice like he has cleaned soaker coverstocks.
since the owner of the company answered. I'm assuming Dave has had first hand experience with this unique coverstocks.
I know Buzzheads have the best ball(in there opinion) so I was curious as why a know Buzz fanatic would take the time and punch up a Dyno-thane and clean it.
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
I use windex or foamm glass cleaner for my polished balls, and i use 409, or fantastik for my sanded equipment and they perform time and time again with no loss of reaction.
Windex NO! 409 is fine........
Windex and glass cleaner have NO degreasing/cleaning capabilities, 409 however, does and works well.......
Better....much better!
Jeff: Thanks for pointing out the shortcomings of Windex/Glass cleaners. However, no matter how many times you point out that Windex is not a degreaser, someone will still insist that it's the magic cleaner of choice.
Some wives tales never die.....
"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "
Jeff: Thanks for pointing out the shortcomings of Windex/Glass cleaners. However, no matter how many times you point out that Windex is not a degreaser, someone will still insist that it's the magic cleaner of choice.
Some wives tales never die.....
"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "
I thought you might appreciate that !
Better....much better!
Now all I have to do is either fly out to the states to get some or find the equivelent type of cleaner over here
,I'd prefer the first option but for now I'll have to settle for the second.
Dawn is the bowler's secret weapon. Best stuff there is. Just make sure the cover is rinsed and dried. I also use a bowling specific cleaner afterwards -- Ultimate Black Magic Cleaner and Rejuvenator. But Dawn can do wonders, short of a resurface and "Hook Again" it is the best thing you ...well I use.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Hi John,
Thanks for the reply,I suspect it's one of your balls I've got,I bought it from Nigel at Rhondda Bowl in Wales when I was there for the National Team Trials last month.