I just bought a Dyno-Thane, The thing returns and need some serious help. The ball is 16 lbs. 3.12 oz top weight, 2-2.5 pin, finger tip and is drilled with dyno-thanes layout #2 Iam a 200 average medium speed, medium revs Bowler The problem is that this ball does not hook! and does not add up the the hype on this ball. The cover is box stock and hooks way less that my Track Phenom unleashed (thought it would) but it hooks a lot less than my Track dry heat and a Storm Hot Wire (All polished)on the same lanes! If you read what Dyno-thane says about this ball It should be my #2 hooking ball, IMO. The ball does have excellent hit and explodes the pins but it is like straight bowling. I play on house shots and night leagues. Any help would be great!