Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: spanky on January 04, 2004, 05:35:11 PM
I know one if you on here is D/T webmaster. I was wondering if you could publish specs for the older model balls. I see a lot of older model balls being sold considerbly cheaper than the new ones, but the site does not have the balls listed so I can check the specs. (or am I missing something?)
which ones,...? Maybe we can find something.
jimensminger D/T BallStaff
Just try this link, if it is an old (disc.) ball be sure to check the box.
Hope this helps!!
Just my $.010226 worth.(after taxes)
I'm the D/T web guy. Most of the pre-Cardinale ball specs are unavailable. He inherited only some of the web information when he took over. The only ball that is still in production from back then is the Crisis, and that's in limited supply. That's not to say if you have a specific ball in mind the D/T headquarters couldn't track it down for you.
Try this link instead:
Edited on 1/5/2004 10:37 AM
Tony the about us link on the D/T web page still is full of dust. LOL
I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!
older model balls are sold at a much cheaper price for a reason...they aren't as good as the newer a few extra dollars and start with a D/T Vendetta Black or a Vendetta medium priced balls on the market for the price..
jimensminger D/T BallStaff
Don't remind me about the Dust.
Actually, the Dyno-thane website is undergoing a complete overhaul and redesign... as we speak. We are finalizing the content and trying to integrate some added functionality. We're 90% there.
Stay tuned!
Edited on 1/5/2004 2:59 PM
Ok, sounds good!
Look forward to the new look!
I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!