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Author Topic: Pearl Crisis Drilling  (Read 984 times)


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Pearl Crisis Drilling
« on: December 11, 2004, 12:02:04 PM »
I currently am on the University of Nebraska bowling team, and I am getting a pearl crisis in the near future.  I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it is going to do, or how to drill it.  I currently have a SHINY black vendetta that goes pretty straight with not a lot of snap on the backend, and a thing returns that needs a lot of head oil, otherwise it starts up in my backswing.  I am pretty sure I need to pin the ball higher up, as it is right next to my ring finger with the cg directly below my ring finger an inch and half.  What I am hoping to get out of the pearl crisis is a ball that will clear the heads when there is a lack of oil, but still have energy to snap at the breakpoint, not arc.  Is this an unrealistic goal for the ball?  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

When you go to bowl, remember.....Always bring extra purses, you never know when that pesky five pin is gonna dodge your ball.



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Re: Pearl Crisis Drilling
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2004, 12:59:58 AM »
Sorry, I didn't think about giving my specs.  I have medium-low revs and I throw the ball between 14 and 16 mph.  Very little axis tilt, if any.  Pin must stay even or above my finger, as it sounds like a helicopter otherwise (I dont mind, but coach does.)
When you go to bowl, remember.....Always bring extra purses, you never know when that pesky five pin is gonna dodge your ball.


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Re: Pearl Crisis Drilling
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2004, 12:48:20 PM »
My black vendetta is drilled with the pin above my ring finger and slightly to the right, but the pin is hit by my finger hole.  CG is an inch and a half right of my grip center line, and 3.5 inches below my ring finger.  It is just slightly kicked right of a complete stack drilling.  I have a small weight hole that is either very close or on top of my axis point (not exactly sure where my axis is, my pro shop guy lives in minnesota so I don't have my spec sheet in front of me, sorry.)  
I am not worried so much as to being a definitive step down as I can always take some of the polish off of the Black Vendetta.  I am more looking to get a lower end ball out of a ball that is truly lower end. I would be happy to get a lot of length but still flip hard enough to get out corner pins.  Prior to going exclusive with DT, i had a SlayR that i absolutely loved.  Drilled with a pin placement much like my Black Vendetta, but the cg was centered in my palm.  Ball cleared forever and then made a dead left turn.  I thought that was what I was getting with the thing returns, but i was wrong.  Hopefully the pearl crisis can do that for me.

When you go to bowl, remember.....Always bring extra purses, you never know when that pesky five pin is gonna dodge your ball.