Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: wulfpackbwlr on November 24, 2006, 10:28:44 AM
A friend of mine got a Vendetta 44 magnum drilled in corpus christi this year at nationals and the bridge cracked. who does he need to contact in order to get the ball replaced under warranty?
NCSU 2006
All Dyno-Thane
I am not sure that Dyno-Thane will take a ball back with a simple crack between the bridge, but do not quote me on this.
If it is a huge gash or crack, I bet they will replace it.
ÈĻ Arsenèl
- Formerly known as lane1what 
Track Mean Machine
Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb
Track Machine
Storm Jolt Pearl
Storm SpitFire
Track Desert Heat
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball
call customer service at D/T, bridges can be repaired simply by plugging the finger holes and redrilling. The causes can vary, from too much heat created by using dull bits, bridge being too narrow, finger holes not beveled enough, or the ball being dropped on the bridge.
Leading Edge Pro Shop
D/T Customer Service 1-877-828-7177
Use option #1.
Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
Got ya. Was just curious. I've always just plugged the bridge which I figure this guy will end up having to do as well. Just was a tad curious about it.
NCSU 2006
All Dyno-Thane
The Booth at the USBC is not owned by Dynothane. We lease the name to an independent. They are responsible for any issues due to drillings. Returns for Manufacturing defects are to go through proper channels. Return to point of purchase. If you need the number please contact customer service and they can direct you.