Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: xxZonexx on April 06, 2005, 12:01:56 PM
when im going for the 300 or any honor score, i get really nervous, i threw a 298, 298 (hit pocket) left 7-10. 289 (10 pin)(hit pocket) , 288 came in high left 6-10, but im really nervous, I dont know why, I try to tell my self its 1 strike 1 in-a row. It dosent work any tips i can use try to get my mind off it, this is my frist year bowling im 17 years old, if i wasent nervous id be able to get this. Please any tips at all ???
Someting that worked for me is to think that im starting a new game and i'm in the first frame. seems to take some pressure off. not sure whether it'd work when you have 11-in-a-row, though.
Things to do at a bowling alley- Will continually update
*Bring a small gold idol, demand the other team pray to it.
i get so nervous i mess up, and im like ok say i have 10 ina row, if i leave ican throw 2 strikes like its nothing, the problem is trying to convince my mind im on 1 strike, i love to watch the cartoons on the brunswick moniter, like 3 is trukey, 4 is monster truck, 5 X's spell out five, 6 ducks, Lucky 7 ina row, 8 is the pin in the over coat, 9 is a train with 9 boxes with x's on it, 10 is hang 10, 11 is leaning towers, 12 a bowling ball with wings comes down. i never got that one tho... i shouldent look cuz it gets me nervous, im like i have 10 in a row... *starts to shake*
You need to practice several different things.
FIRST----BREATH! Long slow breaths. When you get into your stance before you start your approach take a deep breath and release it, then start your approach.
Second- Develope a good pre shot routine, this way maybe you can convince your mind it is just any other shot.
It all mental. Here are few things I have either read or tried and tended to work for me.
1) Like EX said - breath. In your pre-shot routine. Take a deep breath in throught your nose close your eyes and exhale through your mouth. Feel the muscles in between your shoulder blades loosen.
2) Pete Weber tip from some years ago. Move two boards with your feet in. He stated that most people will tend to tighten up and pull the ball or throw it slower. Reaching a little for your mark might help.
When you start stringing never look at the score. Focus on the feel that you are feeling and the mark. Mental Imaging of the ball going through the mark and striking helps keep focus. If you have been that close this early don't worry it will come. Good luck!!
Dont think about it, just go through your normal routine and throw the ball. It will happen, just dont think/overthink it.
Unoffical Member of "The Nacion" until I have to shoot a spare (then I join the Team Storm).
I'm in the same boat. I get very nervous too. My highest game is a 299. Highest set is a 791. I consider both to be "choke" scores. Here's the thing...I threw a perfect ball and left a stone 10 pin on my only 300 attempt. Then, about a couple of years later, when I was going for my 800, I had to strike-out in the 10th frame of the final game to get an 802, but after striking on my first ball, I left a stinking 4 pin on a shot that went a little high (I've seen people throw worse balls and get me). Sucks because I had no open frames for the entire night and I have seen people throw 800 sets with an open frame or two.

*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
i think when i get mine it'll be because of luck.
You never know because about a month ago a guy in my mixed league threw his first game over 250 I believe and it was a 300. Oh yeah he averages around 170 too... 
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
By telling someone not to think about it makes you think about it more. One deep breath, move 2 with your feet (to the left for a righty and move 1 right with your eyes) and let'er rip. After the first one happens the next (if the opportunity arises) will be easier. Experience is the best teacher.
So you're going to think about sending his son to college....very generous of you.
That should take your mind off the next shot.
You just simply try not to think about it. Yeah, it's hard being the first.....but it gets easier after.
You'll know when something special will happen, cause you will feel like you can't go wrong no matter how you throw the ball. You will just be in that zone, and trust me, you WILL feel it.
Try walking away, and watching other people bowl. Count their footsteps or something, just consentrate on something else, other then your next shot. When you start thinking to much, you will mess up every time.
Try and focus on all the people that are gathered around watching! Listen really carefully and see if you can pick out all the people whispering "wow. i bet he leaves the 10 pin, or maybe he'll throw a washout" and "no way he's gonna make it. i would be sooooo nervous right now, i mean, look at all these people watching."
J/K - i don't have any good suggestions. my high game is only 235. I was just thinking about all the things people said a few weeks ago when a guy next to me was working on 11 in a row. he missed the pocket and left the 1,2 for 298.
just do what you did on the first 11 shots,..
You cannot NOT think about it. It's like trying to ignore the blue elephant in the living room; no matter what, it's there. Like others have said, have a pre-shot routine (including breating) and let that take over. The first one I shot I relied on advice from a roomie (and PBA member), "If you get 11 just throw a rope to the pocket for the 12th." It worked, but I won't guarantee it.
"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace." (Tacitus)
"If one tells the truth, one is sure sooner or later to be found out. " (Wilde)
I like what Jim said just do what you did the first 11. I have 24 300's and only 1 299. So doing what I did on the first 11 works. I just try to have fun at it and it's paid off. My attitude is so what if I don't get it there will always be another shot at it some other day. By the way the 11 one is the tough one, the 12 one is easy.
geez.....what's the big deal..? you get 2 practice shots before the twelveth one,..come on.
I agree with new guy on this one, the hardest for me has been the 11th, not the final ball. I'm content with an 11 in a row award. I have 3 -300's and the 11th has all ways been the hardest. I have been there 5 times, 289, 299, 3-300's. Breathe in breathe out, oh sorry that was the blonde wearing a set of head phones
By the way the 11 one is the tough one, the 12 one is easy.
My first 300 no 11 was a run away brooklyn swisher. No. 12 was high heat, dead flush.
"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace." (Tacitus)
"If one tells the truth, one is sure sooner or later to be found out. " (Wilde)