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Author Topic: Should I get an Element?  (Read 1839 times)


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Should I get an Element?
« on: December 15, 2003, 12:18:38 AM »
The pro shop I go to has had an Element for at least 6 months marked at $175 including drilling.  I'm pretty sure I could talk him down quite a bit, as it doesn't seem like there's much interest locally.  I am very interested in the Soaker coverstock and would like to try it out, I'm just afraid that it would overlap too much with what I have.  Here's what I'm using now:

Icon300 - heavy oil
Blueberry Buzzsaw - medium oil
Ultra Hot & Sonic X Pearl for lighter oil

and I've got a Predator Pursuit on the way for Christmas.  I tend to use the Icon300 and Blueberry almost all of the time at the lanes I usually bowl at.  Do you guys see the Element fitting in anywhere, or does anyone believe it would be a major upgrade over what I've listed?  Any info appreciated.


Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Should I get an Element?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 04:32:13 PM »
The Element, kept at 800-1000 would be a step up from the Buzzsaw and would be well less than the ICON300.  It would also be less even than either.  It would overlap with the Buzzsaw at the upper end of the oil/carrydown the Blueberry would normally handle, especially if the Blueberry is kept in box condition.  In my opinion, the Element is a better, more precise ball, but the Blueberry is more forgiving.  If you are thinking of expanding, then the Element could well fit.
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Re: Should I get an Element?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2003, 12:51:34 AM »
first off i think you are looking at a ball that will overlap with the the BB saw. secondly i prefer the blueberry to the element. 3rd if you want an element.. i would trade ya mine for the BB and i would throw in $ depending on the condition.. if you throw 15lbs that is.  My element had the thumb moved back so it has a plug there.. if you are interested let me know.. I'll say that the element is impressive.. 286 first and last time i used it.. i don't see a conditon for it... its a little too smooth for me

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Should I get an Element?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2003, 11:04:09 AM »
286 first and last time i used it.. i don't see a conditon for it... its a little too smooth for me

How did you have it drilled?  For my hand, the Element was more angular and less smooth than any of the Buzzsaws I've tried...
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Re: Should I get an Element?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2003, 10:06:00 PM »
can't remember the EXACT pattern.. drilled for roll and an arc on the back, has a hole on the axis, 5/8 side. needed something that would pick up earlier.. but its too smooooooth this way. i can get all the axis tilt i want and it still is smooth. Usually with this drill i get a nice hard arc on the backs.. this ball just turns over sooo smooth its rediculas. i can't see this ball being jerky at all.. i wish mine was! i could tame it down.. can't get anything to go the other way for me with this ball. the thing that kills me is that it won't cover anymore boards than my reactive pearls, and you HAVE to play in the oil.. I would love to have a shot with zingin backs so it would be perfect.. i don't face that too often though.


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Re: Should I get an Element?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2003, 04:56:55 AM »

I have one also and found with Phillip's type of drilling, I had to change rotation angle, not tilt angle to add more backend. That is, your fingers have to come more around the side of the ball to as much as 90 degree. However, even with the ball's evenness, it still hits hard as long as it gets close to the pocket.

If you get a fresh Element, try placing the pin higher than you normally do, to get a little more length; however, leave the pin the same distance from the PAP.

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