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Author Topic: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer  (Read 2113 times)

Ric Clint

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SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« on: October 19, 2004, 11:39:11 PM »

I'm confused...

Ebonite claims that oil isn't the reason for balls dying and that it's plasticizers... so they made Hook Again which gets the Plasticizer out of the ball, not the oil out of the ball...

And the SOAKER coverstock was ivented to repel oil, or dissapate it. So I'm led to believe that the SOAKER was invented because the creater felt that the lose of ball reaction was due to Oil Obsorption... and not Plasticizer. The SOAKER has nothing to do with repeling Plasticizer away just only oil... correct???

Are you following me?

Basically what I'm asking is since the SOAKER as created, did Phil fill that it was just oil clog, and not plasticizer, that killed a ball?

If so, then that would mean that maybe Phil would think the Hook Again is bunch of crap??? (Not trying to stir up a stink, I'm just curious as to the thought process behind the SOAKER!).

Does my meaning for this post make sense???



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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 12:59:51 PM »
plasticizers? wth is that?

Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2004, 07:11:19 PM »
plasticizers? what is that?

Basically, plastcizer(s) are the additive(s) that makes "plain" urethane into "reactive" resin.
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Edited on 10/20/2004 7:02 PM
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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2004, 07:23:54 PM »

Only Ebonite claims that plasticizers rising in the track area of their balls inhibits the performance of their resin (and particle) balls. Most other ball manufacturers say that oil absorption is a major cause in the loss of their resin balls performance.

Heat, as seen in the effect of a ball being kept in a car trunk in the Summer, or heating a ball in an oven, will raise to the ball's surface not ONLY the oil it has absorbed, but also the plasticizer in the urethane. This is true for brand new undrileld balls kept in a hot Summer trunk.

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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2004, 09:03:37 PM »
im still confused.

Your saying insted of oil getting in the ball this gets into the balls cover and kill sreaction?

Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2004, 07:28:13 AM »
im still confused.

Your saying insted of oil getting in the ball this gets into the balls cover and kills reaction?

I am saying that most manufacturers have said that when a ball soaks up enough oil, its performance will be reduced. The more oil it absorbs, after a certain point, the less the ball will hook and the less hitting power it will have when it hits the pins. This is why it is important to clean balls, especially dull or matte finish solid resin and particle balls, as soon as you're finished bowling, and to do a deep cleaning about once a month. That is, unless you're really rich and can continue to buy replacement balls every 60-100 games.

This has been discussed a few times in the Coverstock Preparation forum over the past year. You can set your preferences backwards in time and do some searches. That will enable you to read detailed information about those discussions.
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Re: SOAKER: Oil clog vs Plasticizer
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2004, 09:43:06 AM »
If Plasticizer is the cause of their equipment to lose performance in 20 to 30 games, they had to find a solution for it. In my opinion the solution is still only a temporary fix and our cover still lasts about 5 times longer

So you are saying that your cover only lasts 100 to 150 games?
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