I don't think that anyone's comments are out of line here, but it's always dangerous to judge someone on their worst day.
Jaros was just plain off his game yesterday. I've seen him in enough regional tourneys to know that he is much more solid than what we all saw on the show yesterday. Not only did he not have a good ball reaction, he wasn't even hitting his mark consistently.
This same issue came up when McCune stunk up the show. That had nothing to do with "his style sucks" and all of that other garbage that some people were saying. He just picked a bad time to have a bad day: when the whole world was watching.
We've all been there. Think of what people would say about your game if they judged you when you were at your worst. If you're anything like me, the comments would not be kind.
The fact is, Jaros had unbelieveable success last year BECAUSE OF the changes that he made to his game. Now, this year, either because of the change in conditions or just because of a lack of consistent execution, he is faltering. That happens to most players. Almost everyone goes through peaks and valleys. Only the greats (WRW, Duke, Voss, PDW) find a way to get there and stay there year in and year out. Personally, I don't think Jaros' style has anything to do with it. I mean, sure, he obviously would have had a better look had he been able to swing the lane like Tommy was doing, but how many guys can do that? Not many.
In any case, I don't think that Steve needs to do anything to change his style. He simply needs to get back to executing quality shots so that he regains his confidence. That's the key to performing well. When you're confident, you can split boards and keep the ball in the pocket on the toughest conditions. Look at TJ. Geesh, he's making the PBA patterns look like house shots because he's on such a roll. PA did the same thing earlier this year. On the other hand, when you're struggling, you could have 10 boards to work with and fail to take advantage. It's as simple as that.
Steve's one hell of a bowler. His style is just fine. When he gets things going again he'll be back to making shows and competing for titles. It just takes time to build that confidence back up.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 320 : )