Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: kendog on March 22, 2004, 07:39:27 PM
After trying a couple of different preps on this surface, I think I've found my best reaction. I initially tried 1200 wet sand followed by polish, got a pretty weak backend reaction, might have worked on short and light oil but not much else. Last night we scuffed it to 800 and re-polished; now this ball both saves energy and covers some serious boards with plenty left for the pins. I may shine it just a bit more, but I threw it last game last night starting in the 4th 9/ then off the sheet for 247. Powerful hit! It seems like this ball must have an excellent coefficient of restitution, it just seems to blast the pins. Well I definitely will be buying more D/T products. Maybe a VPP to replace my Core power hrg sometime soon.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes
Edited on 3/23/2004 11:35 AM
'dog,..your story sounds familiar. When I first got one it was factory GLOSSED. I drilled it and used it in practice for about 3-4 games. TOO MUCH length. I too adjusted the shine, about the same as you, fine, strikes long time.
well I bought mine used, but I was thoroughly impressed with the reaction I got last night. I could see how somebody might give up on it if they didn't get what they expected right off, just thought I'd share what results I got after playing with the cover just a little.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes
Edited on 3/26/2004 9:23 AM
jimensminger is does sound real familiar. Bought my TR at the beginning of February. First night I had it drilled, I thought "hmmm...this doesn't hook as much as I was hoping" but I thought I'd give it a try. After a couple of leagues of wearing the factory "shine" off a bit, it works great!
After being in a 2 month slump before buying this ball, I can say I'm out of my slump. In the last 3 weeks I've had my 2 highest series of the year....193 ave.....670 3 weeks ago and now a 684 this week. Also won a local 9-pin tap tourney on Saturday with a 778 series.
This ball is a bomb!! It truly does seem to blast the pins as this is the best carrying ball I've had in a long time...maybe ever. Strings of strikes seem to be effortless. I'm not the most consistant bowler, but this ball seems to be fairly forgiving. Definately has given me more confidence which goes a long way to success too.
I haven't messed around with the surface yet, but it comes with factory "1000 grit" equivalant. You said that 1200 was a bit too much and 800 might be not enough shine. Lol, looks like the 1000 grit is right on the money. I'll probably wait till before the season next year to make sure it's back at 1000 with a touch of polish on it. Golf seasons coming up so my bowling goes into hibernation soon....
Anyway, really glad to hear you're doing well with yours Kendog. Keep up the great scoring!
Never argue with an idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
Well... based on your recommendation, I skipped all the playing around, and went directly to 800 grit polished. The ball is amazing..... super length, very strong backend...exceptional carry. Its been a while since I have had a new ball "stand-out" above the others. This one definitely does.
Future of Bengals Football
That's great strapper, I'm glad to hear it.
I got this ball late in the season, and I didn't throw it as much as I would have liked because of the $$$ on the line. I have thrown it while subbing though, and I have to say, even when I'm not throwing the ball that well, I still scrore with this thing.... returns. I think the lowest set I've had with it has been like 646. Considering I only averaged 205 for the year that's pretty impressive. I've had success on wood, and synthetics with it also. This ball seems to react in a very similar way regardless of the surface I'm bowling on, and it always shakes the pins up. There is something about this ball, it seems to transmit a lot of energy into the pins, shakes out lots of trip 4's and what-not.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes, and check your own spelling