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Author Topic: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!  (Read 6844 times)


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Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« on: December 14, 2003, 07:31:35 PM »
Drilled my Anomaly few days ago adn got a chance to throw it.  Pipn over my ring finger wit the CG in the center of my grip.  Plenty of polish to make the ball prettier.  I have a 5.5" - 5.75" axis.

I start with my Vendetta Particle with a 3X4 layout, medium surface.  On a fresh house shot, crown to 32 feet... I'm throwing the Vendetta about 18 to 8 or so to the pocket.  No biggie.  Pull out my Vendetta Black with a very similar layout as the VP (the cg is lower though) and I move like two boards right.  My Vendetta Black goes longer than the particle, but has a more angular backend so they cover almost the same amount of boards.

I throw a couple shots with the Anomaly without moving my feet.  First two bang the pocket.  Then I get confident with the ball and it starts to go high... then brooklyn.  Ok, I move 5 left.  Still goes high, leave the 3-6-10 a couple times.  I move a couple more boards, I'm around 23 at the arrows now with the break point around 7 or 8.  I'm getting the ball to pocket now and it hits reeealy nice.  Reminds me of the Element the way it rolls... very heavy.  If it were to have tires on, it would have big ol' mud tires and not z-rated racing tires.  

Pins stay low on the deck, which is a good thing.  Left a couple 8 pins, not surprised.  For grins I moved left again, about 27 at the arrows to 10 for those deep sport shots (B Pattern) and the Anomaly seemed to like that shot... it definitely likes to play in oil.

Granted this is just one day of using it and only on one pattern, but so far it is true to the hype.  I won't be able to use it on anything other than medium-heavy to heavy oil.  The problem is, I never really see that.  On that house shot, I'd rather be using my Vendettas.  Most of the PBA conditions I see, even the long oil isn't heavy enough to really use this ball for more than a couple games.  

The Anomaly moved about 4-5 boards more than I remember my Element hooking.  The Element is more ball than I need, which is why I don't use it.  So while I will keep this ball in my bag, I just don't think I can use it often.  Maybe I should drill a hole on the PAP?  Dunno.  I think this ball is "the most" Dyno-thane I can get, but for me it's simply too much.  




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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 10:34:07 AM »
True to its name, the ANOMALY will separate you from the crowd. It defies conventional thinking by performing far beyond its numbers. The ANOMALY combines the all-new CMC (Compound Multi-Core) with the legendary Soakerâ„¢ coverstock to generate a massive hook in heavy oil.
Depart from normality, ANOMALY-ze your game!

Color Blue/Light Blue
Coverstock Soaker Resin
Core 2-piece
RG 2.53
Differential 0.049
Factory finish 1000 grit smooth
Weights 12 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Heavy Oil



thats what you get for not reading. im sorry for sounding so mean but if you would have bothered reading what the ball was for you wouldnt have the problems you have now would you? Do you use flat head screw drivers on phillips head screws?
Thanks for reading my post.

ICQ   66337464
yahoo keggler68

Edited on 12/15/2003 11:37 AM
Go Yanks



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2003, 10:43:41 AM »
thats what you get for not reading. im sorry for sounding so mean but if you would have bothered reading what the ball was for you wouldnt have the problems you have now would you? Do you use flat head screw drivers on phillips head screws?

And if YOU would have read my profile, you would see that I'm on regional staff with Dyno-thane and therefore obligated to drill at least one of the two I was sent. Since I also built and maintain the Dyno-thane website, I am quite aware of what the ball is designed to do since I put the ball description on there.


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2003, 10:47:15 AM »
so why are you making posts that say thanks for nothing dyno thane? glad your not working for my company
Thanks for reading my post.

ICQ   66337464
yahoo keggler68
Go Yanks



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2003, 11:04:20 AM »
psssssttt... brimar, he's joking, just having a little fun with new guy, other guy and the rest of the Dyno guys.  Ya gotta learn to read between the lines there, buddy.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2003, 11:05:39 AM »
LOL sorry. people like cornholio you start to wonder about some of the post after a while.
Thanks for reading my post.

ICQ   66337464
yahoo keggler68
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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2003, 11:09:07 AM »
I guess that's my way of saying it hooks so much, I can't use it.  I didn't say it hooks so much that no one can use it.

1-877-828-7177 is the toll-free number to DT headquarters.  If you don't like my posts, feel free to contact them.


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2003, 11:18:26 AM »
1-877-828-7177 is the toll-free number to DT headquarters.  If you don't like my posts, feel free to contact them.

Thanks Tony, I'm gonna give Dyno a ring, just to rag on ya.

"Dat der web guy you guys got is really stupid, he trew dat der Anomolee an it dun hooked waaay too much fer him, so heesa raggin on ya'll Dinotrain peepulz on dat der ballreevues dot com, I'm a thinkin' ya'll oughtta fire his dumass, whatcha say?  Bye da bye, my name's Clump, and I'ma aimin ta clump ya'll up!"

"Ya'll have a nice day now, ya hear!"
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2003, 11:56:36 AM »
My calendar didn't tell me it was beat-up-on-Tony-day.

I'm gunna hafta buss all you suckaz up!

*gets in karate kid crane position*


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2003, 01:20:30 PM »
heh yea yea me too  :_)
Thanks for reading my post.

ICQ   66337464
yahoo keggler68
Go Yanks



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2003, 01:22:54 PM »
I knew exactally what Bam was talking about the second I saw his heading,..But I know him and his game,..even his ball driller. This ball is in fact not a good choice for someone who has a lot of hand, and minimum speed. That's why ball manufactures make more than one ball. However, when we recieve these balls the guys that make them want to know from all of us, if in fact, they do what they are designed to do..Tony hooks the ball, and has little trouble finding a ball that he can't hook. That's his style and his game, and he's a PBA champion.
He may not get very many chances to use his Anomaly, neither may I. But when we are asked about the performance, or asked to recommend a ball you can rest assured we thrown them all, and have a good idea what would be best your game.
We send back comprehensive reviews to the new guy and the other guy, and talk on the phone about drills, surfaces, reactions, and all of our equipment. It's their job to diagnose all of our reviews and see if in fact they met the intent of the product. And any day is a good day to pick on Bam...jimensminger


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2003, 02:07:57 PM »
MOJO,...Tell ya what I'll do, since I like your profile, and you are getting back in the game, and you show that you already have 3 great Dynothanes I'll send you my Anomaly on one condition, if you are right handed...You have to promise to do a complete ball review,...honestly and complete. Put your answer here,..I'll pay the shipping if you agree...jimensminger


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2003, 02:41:49 PM »
Geez Jim, you mean if I switched my allegiances and openly beg, I could have just gone up to Dallas and picked it up from ya?  

'course...hmm...Dallas is about the same drive as Houston...maybe I could just go clump up on Tony


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2003, 02:56:56 PM »
sORRY mICHELE, but this deal only comes along once in a while. Plus MOJO says he/she lives in Michigan,, what else is there to do but bowl and.....I don't mind helping out fellow bowlers,..I do it all the time, as do a lot of the guys I know,...we're not all nose in the air types...jimensminger


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2003, 03:19:30 PM »
That's really nice of you to offer that "deal" to Mojo.  That is truly in the holiday spirit. I wish that there were more folks like you out there! Have a great holiday season.