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Author Topic: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!  (Read 6858 times)


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Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« on: December 14, 2003, 07:31:35 PM »
Drilled my Anomaly few days ago adn got a chance to throw it.  Pipn over my ring finger wit the CG in the center of my grip.  Plenty of polish to make the ball prettier.  I have a 5.5" - 5.75" axis.

I start with my Vendetta Particle with a 3X4 layout, medium surface.  On a fresh house shot, crown to 32 feet... I'm throwing the Vendetta about 18 to 8 or so to the pocket.  No biggie.  Pull out my Vendetta Black with a very similar layout as the VP (the cg is lower though) and I move like two boards right.  My Vendetta Black goes longer than the particle, but has a more angular backend so they cover almost the same amount of boards.

I throw a couple shots with the Anomaly without moving my feet.  First two bang the pocket.  Then I get confident with the ball and it starts to go high... then brooklyn.  Ok, I move 5 left.  Still goes high, leave the 3-6-10 a couple times.  I move a couple more boards, I'm around 23 at the arrows now with the break point around 7 or 8.  I'm getting the ball to pocket now and it hits reeealy nice.  Reminds me of the Element the way it rolls... very heavy.  If it were to have tires on, it would have big ol' mud tires and not z-rated racing tires.  

Pins stay low on the deck, which is a good thing.  Left a couple 8 pins, not surprised.  For grins I moved left again, about 27 at the arrows to 10 for those deep sport shots (B Pattern) and the Anomaly seemed to like that shot... it definitely likes to play in oil.

Granted this is just one day of using it and only on one pattern, but so far it is true to the hype.  I won't be able to use it on anything other than medium-heavy to heavy oil.  The problem is, I never really see that.  On that house shot, I'd rather be using my Vendettas.  Most of the PBA conditions I see, even the long oil isn't heavy enough to really use this ball for more than a couple games.  

The Anomaly moved about 4-5 boards more than I remember my Element hooking.  The Element is more ball than I need, which is why I don't use it.  So while I will keep this ball in my bag, I just don't think I can use it often.  Maybe I should drill a hole on the PAP?  Dunno.  I think this ball is "the most" Dyno-thane I can get, but for me it's simply too much.  




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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2003, 03:28:15 PM »
Yep nothin' else to do up here but bowl.  



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2003, 03:45:59 PM »
Most of the equipment I end up not using is donated to my pro shop.  Mike Austin drills my equipment for free, so it's my way of throwing him some love.

As for this Anomaly, I think it'll go in the tote with my American Eagle plastic ball.  That's my "oh sh*t" bag... for when I run into a pair of lanes that are so extreme that I say those words out loud.  hehe

I'm going to drill that other Anomaly like Billy (other guy) advised.  But if I have a 5.75" axis and I put the pin 6" away from my axis... won't that kill the ball?  I was under the impression that I should always have the pin inside my axis (ie on the positive side).  So if I put the pin on the negative, I'm relying on flare to give the ball it's reaction?

Now I'm confused.



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2003, 07:34:32 AM »
MOJO: e-mail me your full mailing address..jimensminger
my e-mail is in my profile..


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2003, 07:39:16 AM »
Wow thats awsome MOJO. make good use of it too. DT makes nice stuff.
Thanks for reading my post.

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yahoo keggler68
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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2003, 08:35:34 AM »
Okay, enough of this peace, love and brotherhood crap, let's get back to picking on Tony. It's a brand new day, ya know!
Cogito ergo bowl

Mike Austin

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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2003, 10:02:27 AM »
Hey Aud...

Your idea works great for me, my PAP 4 7/8 over.  Tony's PAP too far for that.  And not much tilt.  Tony IS an Anomoly hehe LOL.  Your layout would probably flair over the finger holes.  Maybe not...  We try to keep the pins up even when close to the PAP so the bow tie will miss his finger holes.

Tony, the problem you are thinking about is when you put the pin on the other, right side of your axis point.  Some balls don't roll good like that, reverse flare, roll on the holes.... yuch...

What Tony said about the ball originally is true.  That ball hits like a truck.  When he left 8 pins, they were those booming, rack disintegrating, kind, that most the rest of us only dream about!!!    I keep working with Tony to increase his ball speed and not catch it so much at the bottom, but old habits die hard.  I think alot of people will be able to use this ball on fresh/oily conditions.

BTW, I like this thread, you guys be funny....
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX

Onward through the Storm!!!!

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Edited on 12/16/2003 11:08 AM
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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2003, 10:31:05 AM »
Hey I didn't openly beg....     I was joking with them.  If you want to see me beg, come watch me bowl and beg the ball to make it to the pocket when I throw it wide right.  

I knew that Mojo...and I was simply playing along.  I've met Jim at some point in the past...or at least I think I have (I'm thinking that he was the Jim I met when I drove up to Plano one time...'course it could have been JimD)  

But this I will tell you amount of begging will make the ball jump up and back onto the lane after you send it that far to the right  Trust me on that one


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2003, 11:29:01 AM »
Day 2 of picking on Tony....Don't take this the wrong way but...I'm amazed how you say you have too much hand and can't use the stuff designed to hook, yet Hoskins, Jaros and Mc Cune and free agents like Wiseman and so on have no trouble using the hooking stuff day in and day out.

Those guys stink. I got skillz. In some third world countries I'm not allowed to bowl, my talent has caused riots.  It's a curse.


Now the pick on Tony part. Not to brag but we here in the office are the experts, to say you never drilled a ball with the pin past the distance of your axis point, I believe 5 7/8 over is a sin. Even a lower rev player like myself have balls with the pin further away from the axis point than the pap.
At 6 3/4 the weight block is straight up and down and will not (very little) flare. Anything other than that will have some flare. The ball doesn't know where your grip is!!!. I have several balls with the pin past the 5 3/8 from may P.a.p and my axis point is 5 3/8 over and 3/8 up. These balls read the back end and clear the front, all the flare is down the lane. I drilled an Anomaly with the pin Neg (past the 5 3/8 point and the cg positive and it clears the front stores and goes in the back. Big hand guys like Hoskins and alike drill the ball to get down the lane and tweak the surface to match the pattern they bowl on. So let pick on Tony some more....Call the office and use the resources available!!!

So are you agreeing with Billy that I should drill the other Anomaly with the pin 6" away?  The one I have drilled now is like 4.5" maybe?  

I bowled last night at a different house.  I was able to use the Anomaly with a lot of success. I'm beginning to like this ball more and more.  I had to tilt my wrist a little to get the ball to go a little longer... the ball naturally recovered strongly.  The carry of this ball is impressive.  Granted there was plenty of oil, but I like to play deep anyways. I'll keep using it.

I'm thinking of maybe drilling the other ball with the pin over my middle finger (about an inch further than the ball I have now).  That'll put the pin around 5.5" instead of 6".  I'd have to leave some surface on the ball.

Whatchu think?  If that doesn't give me the right reaction, send me a case of Anomalys and I'll keep moving the pin over an inch or so until the ball backs up.  Aww, what the heck... send over a case anyways.

*crosses fingers*



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2003, 02:24:05 PM »
did Billy ever get a job after that,..I heard he's retired now........


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2003, 03:58:06 PM »
Billy Schmilly.  When he was the Tour rep, weren't they using Staten Island Rubbers?  That was years before the more famous follow up Manhattan Rubber.

He's so old he owes Jesus a nickel.

Blah... I don't need no steekin cores in my balls.  Give me a ball filled with sawdust and I'll strike.  Put one hole in it for my pinky and I'll get more jazzerific revs on it than robo-Phil.

*does the macarena dance*


Mike Austin

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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2003, 11:29:51 PM »
Hey Billy,

Get my back brutha, cuz I have drilled Tony a number of balls that he had to move right with.  Thing Returns ring any bells, Bam??  He doesn't like them or something to that effect.

He subbed in our little scratch league tonight, I kept telling him less is more, but noooooooo, Tony had to try to start a freakin' lawn mower with every shot.  He left some nice designs.....

Pin over the middle finger, even a little left of it, no problemo.....

Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX

Onward through the Storm!!!!

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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2003, 04:28:50 PM »
Hey Bamaster, I think you should send one of those balls my way since I have never used a Dynothane and you should prove that there good. Plus Im 15 and cant afford to buy many good balls. although, anyone can send me some balls if they want, ill take them if there free
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! hit me up


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2003, 08:22:15 AM »
I should get a ball too, guys, 'cause you need a weakling like me, throwing girly 14# to verify that this ball still hits, even at lower weights.

And Tony, that wasn't me that said we should get back to ragging on ya, musta been a seadrive clone.  Yeah, that's it, it was a clone.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2004, 04:19:15 PM »
Hey Mojo,
Did you ever get a chance to throw that ball that Jim E. gave you?  I'm curious as to how you like it so far.



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Re: Thanks for nothing Dyno-thane!
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2004, 09:43:50 PM »
Oooo, I hate when that happens.  If you don't get the ball let me know and I'll say really bad things about Jim until he sends you one, at least a Thing Returns.  I expect a full report, gosh dernit!
