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Author Topic: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives  (Read 2596 times)


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Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« on: January 02, 2005, 12:00:22 PM »
Any one tried this ? I Was thinking about it im not that smart on the bowling cover changes but im thinking this would not hook as much and go a lil longer down the lane ? Any comments please post.



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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 08:07:41 PM »
I would recommend asking the manufacturer; then following up in here to solicit advise tempered with that knowledge ... IMHO
DAMN, I LOVE this game !!!

Robb in 1000 Oaks
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 "Master the Lanes with Legendary hitting power" !!!

Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
LAYBZZ74@AOL.COM (Email addy)


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2005, 08:30:50 PM »
Fortunately, the key players at DT headquarters visit this forum.

Polishing the Thing Lives is a great idea if you find the ball is making its move too early, or burning up in the midlane.  Polish will give the ball more length and a milder backend, of course.

One of the qualities of the Soaker coverstocks is that they take polish very well.  If you find that polish wasn't such a great idea (after you tried on a few different drier conditions, I'd recommend) you can always remove the polish with little difficulty, or just scuff it up with a scotchbrite pad.

Give it a shot and let us know how you like it!



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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 08:59:43 PM »
The other night 12/30/04 i was using my thing returns and i threw the frist 11 with a 298 finish then the second game i had a 211 with it then i pulled out my thing lives and playing over 20 out to 9-10 i threw a 264 the frist 9 and then pocket 7-10 =( but i ended up witha 773 series my best ever, i liked how the thing lives reacted awesome pin carry i jus want a little more back end on the ball i was thinking of polishing it but to what i dont know. See I still want the same pin carry and ect. but i want the ball to go a little bit longer down the lane, if any one has any sugestions please post thx.


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2005, 09:00:28 PM »
Tony Am I correct in understanding that polish
won't make it react stronger to dry boards?
I was also thinking about getting a Thing Lives
but the house where I normally bowl strips and reoils
everyday so we always clean backends.
102101? Hmmmm

Edited on 1/2/2005 10:02 PM


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2005, 09:49:56 PM »
There are many types of coverstock preparations.  Polish, typically delivers a delay/mild reaction.  There are some "tackifying" compounds that create a more skid/snap reaction.  Off the top of my head I don't know any brands I can recommend.  I'll get my ball driller, Mike Austin, to chime in.  I just tell him what I want and he knows what to use.  

On PBA patterns, when the backends are fresh, I always go to balls with surface since that generally smooths out the jerky transition.  Shinier equipment always jumps off the dry for me.  

Just some thoughts.


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2005, 07:47:16 AM »
Since I've polished up my Thing Lives, I'll chime in. I liked the roll of the TL in box surface on tournament patterns, but I felt that it wanted to burn too early on my local house shot. I threw that baby in the Lustre King for a couple of minutes and put a nice gloss on it and now it's a freaking beast. The shine helps push the ball through the heads but the ball picks up in the latter part of the midlane and delivers a hard arching  backend. It gives me the same overall board coverage as the Ultimate Inferno that I played around with, it's just that the movement begins further down the lane. I think that the Lives, even in box, gets better natural length than the UI. In any case, for me, polishing has made the ball come alive to become my first out of the bag on league night. I can use it until the middle of the third game before it begins reading too early. Just my .02.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 315 : )


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2005, 09:34:38 AM »
this is what dynothane sais

I think you have 2 choices;

Wet sand the ball with 1000 grit or apply a light polish directly to the cover without changing the 800 grit factory finish. I think either would work fine for you. Thanks for giving us a try.


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2005, 07:32:41 PM »
I would buy a Thing Retruns and add a little bit of surface to it imo, i had the same question a few mts back and some one gave me a thing returns i had it drilled for pin above ring finger cg in the palm kicked over about 1/2 in. I also have the thing lives its currently box finish but thats gonna be changing to 1000wet sand or im gonna wet sand to 1000 and polish it aswell. Ill have to do some testing on that. With my amount of hand the thing lives is simply too much for me so im gonna have to polish it. But id say for you take a thing Retrun's and add some surface to it and try that out.


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2005, 07:30:53 PM »
I've tried the my Thing Lives in both box condition and polished.  I found that polished the ball definately got a good amount of length on my house condition, where in box I had to play 5th arrow or deeper for it to hold pocket.  Not that the ball rolls super I did find it surprisingly clean through the heads...the ball just revs up pretty fast.

Final outcome was taking the ball back to factory finish for tournament conditions.  Glad I did too!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2005, 09:40:45 AM »
Length and hook down the lane, let me see I'll give you a little hint VENDETTA,
 As a seperate response to other in this thread, why would you by a ball designed for medium to heavy oil and polish it to go longer and finish harder.  We have an entire line of balls designed to react differently. A polished Thing Lives could get closer to an AU79s reaction so why not just get the Au79 instead, or if you need more length and flip than an Au79 why not get a Vendetta and if that's too soon why not get a Crisis pearl instead. Unlike the other companies you may be use to we do not launch balls that over lap. Ok I'm off the soap box. But this is not this complicated. Look at the line study it and fill in the gaps. Changing the surfaces etc should be for fine tuning not creating a different creature. Ok so now I'm off the soap box.

Ric Clint

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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2005, 03:00:07 AM »
Polish, typically delivers a delay/mild reaction.

I thought polishing made balls go longer and have a stronger backend?

Ric Clint

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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2005, 03:03:30 AM »
A polished Thing Lives could get closer to an AU79s reaction so why not just get the Au79 instead, or if you need more length and flip than an Au79 why not get a Vendetta.

The Vendetta has more length and backend than the AU79???


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Re: Thaughts on a Polished thing lives
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2005, 03:02:43 PM »
Started using Track Magic line when I was in San Antonio... See link below... "Increased length and snap." 1500 looked good to me on the TL on medium-short/medium-medium THS (not flatter shots). For flatter/blended lanes 800-1000 wet sand worked better(I am a strong tweener). 320 was unusable to me on anything less than a flood.
Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)