
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: bamaster on February 24, 2004, 08:52:46 AM

Title: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: bamaster on February 24, 2004, 08:52:46 AM
The Dyno-thane website has been updated with the new Vendetta Particle Pearl, being warmly called the VP2 around the office.  This is the ball that Steve Jaros used his first game on the show this past weekend en route to his win.  He used it a lot during qualifying and during match play.  

I'll post some larger photos later.

I haven't drilled mine yet, but you can expect a review once I have a few games on it.

The Vendetta Particle Pearl (http://"")

Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: TheDude on February 25, 2004, 12:01:34 AM
Ball just looks really good.

I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: ChinaManB on February 25, 2004, 01:02:48 AM
It looks to me like you can put a real nice 4 ball arsenal together just with the Vendetta line now! Wow that is nice.
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on February 25, 2004, 10:28:15 AM
EVERYONE STAND BACK,...New Guy may be on a roll,...GO PHIL GO.

Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: bamaster on February 25, 2004, 10:32:46 AM
*talking like a hypnotist with a handlebar moustache*

Phil, you will build an arsenal around the Crisis.

*begins to swing a pocket watch*

The Crisis is you number one priority.

*lights some incense*

You will pay Tony lots of money for being so darn handsome.

*crosses fingers*
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on February 25, 2004, 10:34:42 AM
2 outta 3 ain't bad....
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: crankncrash on February 25, 2004, 10:41:02 AM
mmm expand the element line.. I LIKE! the crisis is one i really need to get a hold of, I hear so much good stuff and i'm still in the cold.
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on February 27, 2004, 01:01:46 PM
several of the local pro shops just got their Vendetta Pearl Particles. Check around and see if they're in your area. I'll write a review as soon as the show up in the new ball additions section. This one is a keeper..!!
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on February 27, 2004, 01:04:53 PM
Not in my area yet. My dyno guys says one more week?
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on March 02, 2004, 12:56:13 PM
Any one have these in stock yet. I am anxious to hear about this piece.
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on March 02, 2004, 02:07:01 PM
staffers got their's direct from the factory,..I've drill 2, and will do a review as soon as the web adds us to "new releases"...We told them to add us a few days ago, and Tony is sending them some more pictures, and trying to get the ball added...early reports are......OH BABY BABY!!!!...jim

Edited on 3/2/2004 3:02 PM
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on March 02, 2004, 02:16:26 PM
Is it as smooth as I hear. Any Idea what the price will range from. Will it be in the same price range as the other vendettas.
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on March 02, 2004, 02:28:23 PM
just talked to one of the "in the know" folks at Dynothane,...price is normal Vendetta pricing,...smooth through the fronts with backend bite, the color is really nice....not like some of those CLOWN balls that I've seen released by other companies...thank you new/other guy for being sensible on far.
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on March 02, 2004, 02:36:14 PM
Thanks for the info jim. I will talk with maury newman tommorow and hopefuly he will have it in stock. He said it would be this week sometime. Now I have to figure out how I want to drill it. I want a smooth transition from dry but also want a length to it. Pretty much want it to be my tell tell ball, you know the one that tells you where and how much oil is out. Any ideas for dilling it. Just pretend that tony was wanting to use it for a short block with a 3-4 foot buff. Now what type of drilling comes to mind.
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on March 02, 2004, 02:58:32 PM
Check with Maury, let him see your game,..what I tell you would be guessing at best not knowing your game,...tell him and he'll know what you need,..he's real good.
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: Rockbowler on March 02, 2004, 03:42:13 PM
new guy,

I am hoping that you come out with a low RG ball like the Killer Instinct at 2.48. I have both the Thing and Element and I found them a little too touchy. I like your soaker coverstock but I have not gotten (for my game) used to the roll of the two balls that I mentioned. I checked the specs and the lowest you have is about 2.52 for the Elixir and I think this ball is before your time at Dynothane. Thanks!
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: Rockbowler on March 03, 2004, 12:02:31 AM
new guy,

I have fiddled with the surface and I have not gotten the consistent results that I get with other balls. I really love the Soaker coverstock as it is very durable. I was just suggesting that you put out a low rg core in combination with the Soaker and I think it is a sure winner. If I can cite an example, in my two leagues, I seldom see Ebonite balls except a few V2s but now I am seeing orange (both the Killer Instincts). Lane 1 has the Uranium and even Storm came out with a low rg ball in the Super Charge albeit midpriced and Pete Webber used it on TV. I think you have nothing to lose but everything to gain with a solid and/or pearl low rg ball with the Soaker. My two cents and thanks for your quick replies.
Title: Re: The New Vendetta Particle Pearl
Post by: jimensminger on March 03, 2004, 09:40:43 AM
Posted review, promised. I like this one.