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Author Topic: The Thin Does return  (Read 860 times)


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The Thin Does return
« on: January 28, 2005, 01:26:27 AM »
I baught one i liked it i had my frist honor score with it 298. I Baught a nother one how should i set it up. The frist one is set up with the pin above the ring finger CG swung out about 1" from palm. any sugesstions



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Re: The Thin Does return
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2005, 01:51:38 PM »
Ohhh, my head hurts from reading that...

You have to tell us what you want it to do that the one you have doesn't.  Longer, stronger, earlier, rollier, whatever.

Also, did you leave the first (not frist) one you bought (not baught) alone, with its out-of-box finish, or did you alter the coverstock?

Once we know some of that, we can offer suggestions (not sugesstions).
Cogito ergo bowl