Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: TECH SUPPORT on February 23, 2004, 06:02:07 PM
I have now gotten a chance to finally compare these two side by side and must say I am quite suprised at my findings.
15# 3-4 pin 3.3 top
The thing is drilled 5-1/2x45 degrees with the pin high and ended up between and above the fingers and the cg ended up about 2-1/4 right of grip center. I had to put a weight hole to bring back to 3/4 side 1/4 finger
I wanted this ball to clear the fronts with the ability to read the oil the last 15-20 feet.
15# 2-3 pin 3.1 top
The inferno is drilled 4-1/4 pin high x 45 degrees the pin ended up right above the ring finger and cg ended up kicked right 1-3/4 from grip center. I had to put a weight hole to bring it back to 1/2 side 1oz finger. I drilled this ball to read the midlane and be able to play deep inside.
I have about 7 test games on these two side by side on a normal house shot 7-7 35 feet down with very light buff to even out the blend.
The inferno revs up quicker and has a More angular shape to the pocket and is a little snappy.
The Thing is a little later with the revs but is stronger smoother and has more continuation through out the backend. I actually found that this ball could out do me in the fact that I could never get it far enough right to get it to roll out and burn up from deep inside 5th-6th arrow out to 7-8 and still came back with authority. Very impressive indeed, The last and only other ball I could get to do this was the fabled blue retro roto but that ball was to snappy and hard to control off of the dry.
The inferno is no slouch in the hook and carry department and like it too. I like the angularity of the inferno better sometimes and the hit is still there. I just think or know that the Thing is a stronger and more ball overall.
The only difference that may make a difference is one is drilled for a bit more length and might store up energy a touch longer. But doubt that to be the case as I watched both hit the same breakpoint Down the lane and then watched as the inferno wanted to skid flip hook while the Thing wanted to skid roll arc. two different reaction shapes to the pocket and both work great. I will be taking the surface down on the inferno to promote an earlier read.
I just thought I would post what I have seen when comparing the two. You cant go wrong with either ball but I prefer to grab the Thing first out of the bag.
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