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Author Topic: Thing Lives and Black Vendetta  (Read 846 times)

Ric Clint

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Thing Lives and Black Vendetta
« on: May 05, 2005, 03:07:54 PM »
I'm tring to figure out if I need to continue playing down and in or play a slight swing.


If I'm on a shot with my Thing Lives (sanded to about 600-800) and playing like right up 9-10. And having success doing this because it's a pure Medium/Heavy Oil shot but say after a few weeks they shorten the oil a tad and also put less volume out there also... can I still play down and in with something like a Black Vendetta? Or would it be too strong at that point also? And should I keep it sanded to about the same grit as my Thing Lives or would it loose energy early and my carry suffer... or should I put some shine on it and then play that same line?

Or would you just move 5-7 boards in and play a slight swing with something like the Energy, Vendetta Pearl, etc.? My best shot is down and in... but I've scored good at times playing in but I always keep coming back to down and in (if that shot is there) as I'm more accurate going "with" the boards?

Basically how much weaker on the backend and how much longer is the Black Vendetta than the Thing Lives with the same cover surface or polished or whatever? I know the Thing Lives will handle more oil since it does have more flare and also a more aggressive Soaker coverstock... but how much more agressive is the ball reaction? I know alot of people swear by the Black Vendetta.

Or would I be better off going with the Vendetta Pearl (Blue Swirl colored) to following the Thing Lives in going up the boards? Or with this being a pearl, would it be too strong on the backend?

Edited on 5/5/2005 11:13 PM



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Re: Thing Lives and Black Vendetta
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 09:01:58 AM »
It's very hard to answer the question based on the swing shot scenario. If you can swing the ball doesn't necessarily mean that you will carry as well as playing up the boards. If you want to keep playing up the boards I will suggest getting the Black Vendetta because of the overall smoothness of the ball and the carry is great. I would still drill the ball strong, but I would polish the ball with Storm1 or Track's Clean&Sheen.
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