I get a similar read too KR300. I have always used Track's entire cleaner/polish line, even when it was APP. Clean n Dull is my all purpose cleaner, I use as needed... simply put, it keeps the polished covers polished and sanded ones sanded as per Track's claim. The only ball that doesn't seem to become "tackified" (for lack of a better term...) is my Thing Lives. For the D/T folks, is it the additive in the Soaker X formula that causes a peculiar oily film on my TL right after cleaning? Is it the cleaner really doing it's job drawing out the oil from the cover causing me apply a second wipe off with a clean, dry cloth to get the tack back? If I don't buff after cleaning I loose reaction too. BTW, I only use it when track area gets dirty or belt grime accumulates.