Ok I've been waiting and waiting before I finally brought this to the attention of you guys but someone here has to have some sort of reasoning behind this. I recieved the Anomaly about a month ago, fully plugged with about 5 games on it. I redrilled it in the same spot. The pin(3") is at 1 o clock in relation to the ring finger, c.g stacked. It comes out to be about a 5 x 4 drill with my PAP coordinates. It did not need a weighthole, static weights were 1/2oz pos finger, 1/2oz pos side. I also nothiced that this Anomaly looks very different from other ones I've seen. I know swiriling patterns vary from ball to ball but this one has a ton of bright blue, almost sky blue swirls.
Here's my problem. Out of the box surface in 4 different houses, the ball would never pick up into a roll. Since the contrasting colors make the ball easy to read when it starts flaring I would notice that the color pattern would stay the same the whole way down the lane and would give me about 1/2" of flare on a fresh condition in every house. I took the surface down and noticed a little bit of midlane movement in two of the houses, but no continuation causing extremely flat and weak hits and alot of deflection. I then began to think maybe this is the hook monster everyone is claiming it to be and there's just not enough head oil. So I did a deep cleaning and polished it up with Ebonite Extender polish. To my suprise the ball gave me a little more movement but still not much more. About 3-4 more feet down the lane and maybe 2-3 boards more hook overall, but still no flare. So I threw the balls side by side in two more different houses matched up with a Big Blue Pearl, Preadator Sparkle, Killer Instinct Pearl, 2 Different drilled Hot Wires with different surface preps, and a Columbia Drive. The Anomaly still wouldn't catch a roll or flare and was 4-5 boards weaker than the weakest ball which is a 5 1/2 x 5 drilled Hot Wire with 2000 polish. Just to make sure it wasn't burning up again, I tried it on a PBA Pattern B shot 41 feet of long oil....even less ball.
I finally got on a tournament condition last week with screaming backends and a severe dry bounce outside of the 7 board and luckily I had this ball with me. It still never hooked a total of more than 5-7 boards, but it kept me in play and in the pocket while people were throwing high rg, low dynamic equipment and hooking the lane with it. The problem was the super weak carry. It was almost like I was throwing a 13lb plastic ball with a pancake block. The only reason I kept using the ball was that it kept me in play to the pocket and didn't overreact. So in the 6 game block on Saturday I avged 183 with a total of 14 back row taps, 2 pocket 8-10s, and 2 5pins. In the Sunday block I stayed with the same ball, Averaged 198, left 12 tenpins, 3 8 pins, a 5 pin, and no pocket splits. I made all of my tenpins on the weekend except for 1 but boy did it get tiring shooting them when I know I absolutely labeled the shot.
So, do I just have a bad ball or should I try another plug and redrill or what? I'm at my wit's end with this thing and I don't know what to do. I've seen other Anomalys run circles around this ball and everything else that I have that should be hooking much less is making this ball look like plastic. I am not rev challenged either, about 16.4mph at the pin deck, 350rpms, pap 4 11/16ths over, 1/8th down.