
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: 302efi on July 22, 2005, 01:05:01 PM

Title: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: 302efi on July 22, 2005, 01:05:01 PM
I picked up a 15lb Thing Returns the other day and I'm having a huge problems with not getting a reaction from it ...

I had it drilled stacked lev with the pin under the middle finger and the cg out a bit and a X-hole to bring it back legal..Heres a pic:

I've tried ODB finish, 600 & 1000...With and authout polish..nothing works !

I changed speed, hand positions and ALL KINDA lane conditions..Nothing

The ball flares but will not make a turn...WTH is going on ?
F.O.S. owns YOU
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: 302efi on July 22, 2005, 09:58:01 PM
Thanks for the reply Rick ...My rev rate now is about 425rpm.

Also, I do have a Au-79 with similar drill but with the pin beside the ring finger and the ball sanded to 1000 with 3M rubbing compound...omg does the AU79 bend the corner !..So I figured the Thing Returns would work well pin below the middle ?
F.O.S. owns YOU
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: bamaster on July 23, 2005, 04:12:07 PM
I have an Element Au79 with a similar drill and it is very conditional.  It needs lots of friction to react.  Negative pins usually roll over the finger holes for me, but the Au79 doesn't.  Regardless, it needs dry to react.

My recommendation is to plug the ring finger and drill a finger hole to the left of your middle finger.  Basically, that would put the pin under your ring finger giving you much more reaction.  The Thing Returns is a lengthy ball by design, so it's going to make an aggressive turn anyhow.  You can play with surface to tweak the breakpoint.

Best of luck!
Tony (http://"")
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Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: charlest on July 23, 2005, 05:24:22 PM
Maybe you, 302efi, can clue us in as why on heaven and earth you put the pin under the middle finger???
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: charlest on July 23, 2005, 07:10:24 PM
Maybe you, 302efi, can clue us in as why on heaven and earth you put the pin under the middle finger???
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.

And then complains that it doesn't hook? Unless you have megarevs and crank the ball, it's going to go straight.
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!

Edited on 7/23/2005 6:28 PM

Well, maybe not entirely straight, but it sure will suck the cojones out of it UNLESS you have a LOT of revs (read: maybe 350-400+, and that's a lot).

Pin under the middle finger, for an average PAP (say 5" over and 1/2" up) will generally convert a ball from medium oil handling to light to medium-light oil handling ability. That's a full step to possibly a step and a half weaker, IN GENERAL.

Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: 302efi on July 23, 2005, 07:18:32 PM
Thanks for the bashing guys..It really helps ..

I don't know a lot about drilling ect so my DRILLER is the one who thought this would be a good layout because of my revs and slow ball speed and the Things Returns great(lol) backend. I was looking for this to work on a dryer lane and maybe a fresh shot with playover a couple boards.

So please ask questions before for you flame me

My revs is aabout 425rpm..I do try to rip the cover off
F.O.S. owns YOU

Edited on 7/23/2005 7:12 PM
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: charlest on July 23, 2005, 07:53:26 PM
Thanks for the bashing guys..It really helps ..

I don't know a lot about drilling ect so my DRILLER is the one who thought this would be a good layout because of my revs and slow ball speed and the Things Returns great(lol) backend. I was looking for this to work on a dryer lane and maybe a fresh shot with playover a couple boards.

So please ask questions before for you flame me

My revs is aabout 425rpm..I do try to rip the cover off
F.O.S. owns YOU

Edited on 7/23/2005 7:12 PM

We're mostly "bashing" you, if you're really feeling guilty about it, because no one who knows the least about pin positioning being the major factor in drilling, would compare pin next to the ring finger with the pin way over and under the middle finger.

As I said just above, if you weren't  feeling so defensive AND YOU WERE TRULY WILLING TO LEARN, that this pin position is for dropping the ball down a SIGNIFICANT notch in BOTH oil handling ability and in overall hook.

If you truly have 400+ revs, then that drilling should make the TR hook more than respectably on most medium-light to light oil patterns. If you're using it on medium or heavier oil or really dry, then it might either skid 60 feet or hook immediately and burn up in the heads. In either of those 2 cases, then you MIGHT see little hook.

And don't be so sensitive. If your driller suggested that drilling AND YOU ACCEPTED it, then it is your fault. Don't blame us for thinking it was not the right thing to do.
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: 302efi on July 23, 2005, 10:19:26 PM

We're mostly "bashing" you, if you're really feeling guilty about it, because no one who knows the least about pin positioning being the major factor in drilling, would compare pin next to the ring finger with the pin way over and under the middle finger.

As I said just above, if you weren't  feeling so defensive AND YOU WERE TRULY WILLING TO LEARN, that this pin position is for dropping the ball down a SIGNIFICANT notch in BOTH oil handling ability and in overall hook.

If you truly have 400+ revs, then that drilling should make the TR hook more than respectably on most medium-light to light oil patterns. If you're using it on medium or heavier oil or really dry, then it might either skid 60 feet or hook immediately and burn up in the heads. In either of those 2 cases, then you MIGHT see little hook.

And don't be so sensitive. If your driller suggested that drilling AND YOU ACCEPTED it, then it is your fault. Don't blame us for thinking it was not the right thing to do.
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.

I'm not being sensitive, but when someones like, "hey your a dumbass for drilling the ball like that", I think even the most unsensitive person would have something to say.
As for me accepting the drilling, what the hell can I do ?..The ball is drilled and theres no way in hell I'm gonna plug or pay to plug a ball I just got. I got the ball for a good price, so no big loss.

That being said, I just posted because I thought that maybe there was something I was missing with breaking in a new Soaker cover because I picked up my other DT ball used.

Anyways thanks for helpful and un-helpful comments to all that replied

Oh well, I'll bet I'm the only one with a Thing Returns for a spare ball
F.O.S. owns YOU
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: legend4life95 on July 24, 2005, 12:35:54 AM
If you got the ball for a good deal, then why not plug and try a different drill so that it can be used for what you needed it for to begin with? Tony mentioned just plugging the ring finger and redrill the hole to the left of the other finger. That would put the pin under the ring and make it more aggressive. This would only require 1 hole being plugged. Thats a great suggestion!

****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: 302efi on July 24, 2005, 12:52:06 AM
Your right legend4life95, I think I am gonna go with bamaster
suggestion I think 1 hole plug is like 7 or 8 bucks, so I guess its worth a shot.

Just a question, will putting the pin under the ring make the ball that much more aggressive ? To me it doesnt seem like that big a move ? Will the core be alot more unstable ?
F.O.S. owns YOU
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: legend4life95 on July 24, 2005, 01:02:09 AM
If I am wrong here, someone will chime in and correct me. I am not a driller and my knowledge of drilling is limited, but yes it should make it more aggressive, b/c it will make the pin to pap distance much shorter..therefor stronger.
****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Title: Re: Thing Returns...Problem
Post by: Nebraska_5_Pin on July 25, 2005, 04:58:32 PM
Just a thought, but if you were to plug the ring finger, and drill a new hole next to the existing hole, wouldn't that throw off the individual finger spans?  Unless you have identical lengths, this could cause an uncomfortable fit, and create a whole new set of problems.  

Also, you would not be the only one using a TR as a spare ball, i used mine until i picked up the pearl crisis
When you go to bowl, remember.....Always bring extra purses, you never know when that pesky five pin is gonna dodge your ball.