
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: seadrive on April 25, 2004, 07:45:54 PM

Title: Thing Returns vs. Crisis
Post by: seadrive on April 25, 2004, 07:45:54 PM
Hi guys and gals,

Got to try the Crisis last night, right alongside the T/R.  Both balls have a 2" pin, and they are drilled exactly the same, 3x5, pin below and to the right of the ring finger, CG near grip center, no hole.

I only threw one game with the Crisis, alternating with the T/R, but the reaction of both balls was almost exactly the same.  I started in the same spot, and rolled them both over the same mark at the arrows.  They got pretty much the same length, and the angle to the pocket was pretty much the same also.  

The T/R might have been just a little longer, and a tad more angular.  Hard to say for sure, it was after league (fresh oil to start, 3 games x 4 per team x 2 teams) and I didn't have much time left before I had to leave for home.

Do those of you who have both the Crisis and T/R agree that they overlap a lot?  If so, I should probably get one of them redrilled (probably the Crisis) to go longer.

Whaddya think?
Cogito ergo bowl
Title: Re: Thing Returns vs. Crisis
Post by: jimensminger on April 26, 2004, 11:02:03 AM
good anology,..and on some conditions you may see several balls that may overlap,..I have that with a bunch of stuff and that's not a bad thing..My Crisis (for me) is a control ball for a tuffer shot when I don't want to cross alot of boards, TR is the ball I like to use when I want to move deep on a dry track, and have a ball that will store energy and turn the corner. The Crisis would not be that same look because it's not as strong getting around the corner...I can play deep with the Crisis but give up some entry angle.
Different strokes for different folks,...depends on when and where you use what...My Crisis is usually in the second or third choice catagory,..don't get me wrong, it's a great ball,..but I like the look of a stronger ball first,..
Balls on a house shot (for me) will all over lap to a degree because of where you are forced to play,..the key is picking the one that for you will give you the best carry, and one you can stay with longer...jime
Title: Re: Thing Returns vs. Crisis
Post by: bamaster on April 26, 2004, 11:09:05 AM
They are completely different balls.  Don't change anything yet.

If you are bowling on fresh oil, most bowling balls will react similarly since they will all clear the heads and they will all begin to hook when they hit the dry backends.  When the heads begin to breakdown, the Crisis will be cleaner up front.  When the backends become mush from carrydown, the Thing Returns will make the turn.  

The Crisis is almost a "bail-out" ball.  When the lanes start to become flaky and inconsistent, the Crisis seems to read more consistently.  At least it was that way for me.  

Most people do not know this, but the cover of the Crisis is the same that is used on the Vendettas (which makes this ball an even better value).  So the cover is not what I would call weak.  The core is much less flippy than the Vendettas, which is why the Crisis is more controllable, but still plenty strong.

On a wall shot, I can use most every ball I own without moving my feet much, if at all.  That the oil's doing.  But when the lanes are not so easy, there will always be one ball that really matches up well.  

Keep the balls as they are.  Wait till you hit some drier or burned out lanes.  You'll see the Crisis shine when the Thing Returns starts burning up too early.  You have a great one-two combo there.  Put more games on them before redrilling.

Title: Re: Thing Returns vs. Crisis
Post by: charlest on April 26, 2004, 01:33:36 PM

Most people do not know this, but the cover of the Crisis is the same that is used on the Vendettas (which makes this ball an even better value).

Thank yew, thank yew, thank yew! Just what I needed to know!


So the cover is not what I would call weak.  The core is much less flippy than the Vendettas, which is why the Crisis is more controllable, but still plenty strong.

Tony, I had one of the original Crisis and unless Phil has changed some of the design specs, (which I don't think he has) that ball can be VERY flippy, especially with that 2000 grit polished cover.
"Can be" is the operative word, of course. I put the pin in a flippy but medium strong position and when that thing hit dry, it was "Left-turn NOW, Clyde"!

But now that you've revealed a dreaded, internal secret, I think I have a way to replicate one of my favorite balls with some slight mods to a  Crisis.
I say again, "Thank yew, Thank yew, Thank yew"!


On a wall shot, I can use most every ball I own without moving my feet much, if at all.  That the oil's doing.  But when the lanes are not so easy, there will always be one ball that really matches up well. Tony

Indeed this is more true than people realize.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 4/26/2004 1:26 PM
Title: Re: Thing Returns vs. Crisis
Post by: seadrive on April 27, 2004, 08:40:14 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys.

Tony, I understand what you're saying.  I'll leave it alone for now.
Cogito ergo bowl