I have never cleaned a ball with DAWN before, are these steps the right way of cleaning a Soaker new guy? (I'm sure I'm making more of this than it really is, but oh well.)
1. Take a very small amount of DAWN soap and mix it with warm water and put it into a spray bottle.
2. Place the ball on the spinner and spray some of the solution onto a paper towel or rag.
3. Begin cleaning the ball on the ball spinner with the towel.
4. Take a separate damp towel (dampened with only water) and wipe the excess DAWN solution off of the ball.
5. Wipe off any excess water with a clean dry towel.
6. Repeat for the remainder of the ball.
Sound about right? I just want to make sure I don't hurt the magical properties of my new Anomaly!

*This space is currently available for lease.*Edited on 2/9/2004 4:08 PM