
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: scotts33 on January 12, 2004, 02:05:45 AM

Title: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 12, 2004, 02:05:45 AM
Hey DT'ers--I've been using my Thing at 1000 grit surface grey pad.  First 50 or so games real nice reaction.  Use a spinner and ball cleaned after every set.  Have not used Elixr on it.  Lately ball seems to pick up shine after using about 5 frames.  It didn't do that earlier.  Take it down to 1000 again after cleaning and same thing.  Ball lopes to much and leaves 10's.  Any suggestion on how to keep it at 1000 thru a set?  

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on January 12, 2004, 05:29:01 PM
How many times have you sanded/resurfaced it?
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 12, 2004, 06:06:26 PM
I haven't resurfaced it as of yet.  Ball has slight tracking not real bad.  
Estimate about 75 games on ball.

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Strider on January 13, 2004, 06:40:05 AM
I took the factory shine off of mine but putting it on the Haus machine for about a minute.  Since then all I've done is clean it with an orange degreaser (something from Zep I got at Home Depot) after each set.  I'm sure I have over 100 games on it by now.  Still going strong (hook and hit) and no obvious track.  It will look a little more shiny after a set, but the performance doesn't change.  I don't know what to tell you.
Penn State Proud
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 13, 2004, 08:34:09 AM

what did you clean it with???
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 13, 2004, 03:17:19 PM
what did you clean it with???

charlest--Normally clean with Simple Green on my Vertex spinner after every set.  Then, use Neo-Tac Renew It about once a week for deep cleaning.  I had a light track maybe a few track marks that you could visually see.  The ball seemed like it would pick up a shine after about 5 frames and then lope more mid lane and not hit as hard leaving tens.  Didn't read the mid lane as well.  I am using this on a THS wood lanes and synthetic...trajectory crossing arrows at 16 out to 8 and back in.  Too wet/dry to play any farther out than that.  I like the 1000 sheen type finish to control back end and not get over reaction on fresh lanes.  Thing is 1st ball out of the bag I usally put it away and go to Thing Returns after the heads go a little and some carry down is much carry down a light load pearl particle.

What I did last night was resurface up to 800 wet sand just to see if I will get that same look I have been getting.  Took the tracking out. Possibly the grey scotch-brite pad is too smooth or the ball needed a resurface.  Of course now that it's winter here in WI possibly the lane conditioner is being carried farther down the lane and causing this problem too.  

Thanks guys,
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on January 13, 2004, 04:13:49 PM
I have found that after about 100 games, you need to resurface the Thing and get it back to box to get the best reaction out of it.  In my experience, 800 to 1000 wetsand has the ball burning up too early.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Strider on January 13, 2004, 04:24:55 PM
I like the orange degreaser I've been using.  No noticeable film or residue, but I have heard about using other products after certain cleaners.

I still have some Renew-It sitting around.  I know it says it doesn't change the surface, but I thought dull balls looked more shiny after an application.  That may be causing part of your problems.
Penn State Proud
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 13, 2004, 04:30:19 PM
I have found that after about 100 games, you need to resurface the Thing and get it back to box to get the best reaction out of it. In my experience, 800 to 1000 wetsand has the ball burning up too early.

I thought of that also Phillip that it maybe burning up but I like the controlled backend it gives a lil duller. Maybe I'll try Storm 1 step on it.

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 13, 2004, 04:35:05 PM
I still have some Renew-It sitting around. I know it says it doesn't change the surface, but I thought dull balls looked more shiny after an application. That may be causing part of your problems.

Yes, I agree Strider Renew It does seem to shine 'em up a bit.  Then, I'd take a grey pad and buff 'the Thing down a lil.  

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 13, 2004, 05:23:20 PM

Don't know if Simple Green is affecting the ball, but I know ReNew-it is! It is a cleaner AND polisher. The bottle does not say it, but the documentation I got with my supply says,
"will take a 400 matte fimish ball to anywhere between 500 to 2000 grit."

I use my Renew-it to polish balls, never to clean them. It has more polish than cleaner in it.

I must believe this is why your ball is acting the way it is. I suggest you sand it or use a nylon pad to take the ball to 600 grit dull, in order to, hopefully, remove all the Renew-it compound. Then sand/nylon pad it to 1000 grit to get it back to where it was.

Thereafter, do not do anything to it unless it is too horrible to touch. Then use ONLY Simple Green or or other degreaser LIGHTLY. Even Phil, the owner of DT and designer of the Thing, does not even clean his personal ball.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."

Edited on 1/13/2004 9:32 PM
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 13, 2004, 05:24:20 PM
I have found that after about 100 games, you need to resurface the Thing and get it back to box to get the best reaction out of it.  In my experience, 800 to 1000 wetsand has the ball burning up too early.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Mr. Marlowe, remember not everyone revs the ball the way you do!
AND maybe this guy is using it where he should be using the Element.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on January 13, 2004, 07:48:17 PM
I have found that after about 100 games, you need to resurface the Thing and get it back to box to get the best reaction out of it.  In my experience, 800 to 1000 wetsand has the ball burning up too early.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Mr. Marlowe, remember not everyone revs the ball the way you do!
AND maybe this guy is using it where he should be using the Element.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."

Now, now, you know that I is just a slow, low rev stroker!

If one prefers 800 to 1000 wetsand and the type of reaction that surface preparation provides, the Element is probably a better ball.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Jeffrevs on January 14, 2004, 10:33:35 AM
Charlest is right about the ReNew-It...   I think it was Jeffrevs that called Neo-Tac demanding to know the differences in all their products.   They told him that Renew-it does work as a cleaner and polish.

Yes it was me...........and I simply asked.............because their product labels really aren't very specific.

However, both Hook it and Renew it are cleaners...but Renew it also is a light polish.....
Hello, I just lowered my track !
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Jeffrevs on January 14, 2004, 11:44:46 AM
it makes me look like a raging idiot---, ........oh,..........wait...
Hello, I just lowered my track !
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Strapper_Squared on January 14, 2004, 12:08:04 PM
Since the covers are "designed" to absorb oil, is it possible that using the Thing with a dull surface (It would have to be a decent amount of oil to use it at 1000 grit) has caused it to soak up a bunch of oil?  Even though this cover is designed not to allow oil to lay on the surface, at some point it has to get saturated.  If this is the case, I could see the ball becoming shiny...or even feeling oily after a few frames.  The oil just doesn't have anywhere else to go!  If nothing else seems to work for you, it may be worth while trying one of the various methods described under the coverstock prep forum to remove some of the accumulated lane oil.

The Bengals season has come to an end.  Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost.  Now we look forward to April...  Come on Chris Gamble
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: jimensminger on January 14, 2004, 12:23:18 PM
18 posts on the surface of one ball,...tough crowd.

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: jimensminger on January 14, 2004, 12:36:56 PM
I guess it beats bragging about our bowling prowness, or lack there-of.

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 14, 2004, 02:37:39 PM
Since the covers are "designed" to absorb oil, is it possible that using the Thing with a dull surface (It would have to be a decent amount of oil to use it at 1000 grit) has caused it to soak up a bunch of oil?  Even though this cover is designed not to allow oil to lay on the surface, at some point it has to get saturated.  

While anything is  posisble, as far as I can tell so far, this is highly  improbable. Oil absorption and dissipation is the Soaker cover's forte, strength. Several of us have the Element and use it regularly on medium-heavy oil with the cover at 800-1200 DULL; it must be absorbing enough to make me worry about 16 lb balls going over the weight limit for the ABC Nationals, but not enough to worry about this oil affecting the ball's performance.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 14, 2004, 02:40:46 PM
Charlest is right about the ReNew-It...   I think it was Jeffrevs that called Neo-Tac demanding to know the differences in all their products.   They told him that Renew-it does work as a cleaner and polish.

However, both Hook it and Renew it are cleaners...but Renew it also is a light polish.....
Hello, I just lowered my track !


But it seems to me that it cannot be regarded as a light polish if it will take a ball in 60 seconds from 400 grit to 2000 grit, as this indicates. See:
The first Neo-Tac item is ReNew-It.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: scotts33 on January 14, 2004, 04:54:32 PM
Thanks ALL for their responses.  My understanding of Renew It has changed after reading charlest's and JeffRevs responses.  

Good education here this is what ballreviews should be......IMO.  

FYI.....not a high rev player but would not use an Element on this THS.  Have more revs than 75-80% of bowlers I bowl with on most teams.  

Thanks everyonbe and will state that I do love the DT balls I have purchased both Thing and Thing Returns.  Will be trying more in the future.

Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on January 15, 2004, 09:42:50 AM
And we all bowl happily ever after?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: charlest on January 15, 2004, 10:51:17 AM
newguy wrote:
The moral of the story is do not make this more complicated than it really is. Soaker coverstocks suck it in dissapates it and keep performing.The balls do not gain weight ( they watch their carbs) and if you clean them with soap and water they will live a long and happy performing life. THE END.

Wow, this is getting downright spooky. They absorb the oil and make it disappear?? Talk about industrial secrets!! Gas stations are going to want to buy Elements to roll around in their oil spills.

OK, soap and water it is.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Jeffrevs on January 15, 2004, 10:55:23 AM
newguy wrote:
The moral of the story is do not make this more complicated than it really is. Soaker coverstocks suck it in dissapates it and keep performing.The balls do not gain weight ( they watch their carbs) and if you clean them with soap and water they will live a long and happy performing life. THE END.

Wow, this is getting downright spooky. They absorb the oil and make it disappear?? Talk about industrial secrets!! Gas stations are going to want to buy Elements to roll around in their oil spills.

Don't even TRY to go there......I've tried (Phil can't stand me !) and that's the answer you'll get regarding Soaker !
Hello, I just lowered my track !
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on January 15, 2004, 11:29:00 AM
Better living through chemistry.

Phil, I DON'T CARE how it works, just keep putting it on bowling balls.

By the way, when are you going to put this coverstock on a Vendetta core...hint, hint, hint, HINT.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Edited on 1/15/2004 12:29 PM
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: jimensminger on January 15, 2004, 12:15:56 PM
Believe it or not, the Gurus at D/T are always open to suggestions on equipment, with in reason of course. I suggested to otherguy the other day that they come out a ball 30% larger in diameter,...he turned that idea down. I thought that was well within reason...ha.  But they do like new ideas.
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Sir Bowl-A-Lot on February 09, 2004, 12:39:54 PM
What type of soap do you recommend new guy?  Also do you suggest I clean my Anomaly after each 3 game set like I got in the habit of doing with my Vendetta Particle?
*This space is currently available for lease.*
Title: Re: Thing surface
Post by: Sir Bowl-A-Lot on February 09, 2004, 03:11:06 PM
I have never cleaned a ball with DAWN before, are these steps the right way of cleaning a Soaker new guy?  (I'm sure I'm making more of this than it really is, but oh well.)

1. Take a very small amount of DAWN soap and mix it with warm water and put it into a spray bottle.

2. Place the ball on the spinner and spray some of the solution onto a paper towel or rag.

3. Begin cleaning the ball on the ball spinner with the towel.

4. Take a separate damp towel (dampened with only water) and wipe the excess DAWN solution off of the ball.

5. Wipe off any excess water with a clean dry towel.

6. Repeat for the remainder of the ball.

Sound about right?  I just want to make sure I don't hurt the magical properties of my new Anomaly!  
*This space is currently available for lease.*

Edited on 2/9/2004 4:08 PM