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Author Topic: Thing vs. Thing Lives  (Read 912 times)


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Thing vs. Thing Lives
« on: February 10, 2005, 02:43:47 AM »
OK, I have a Thing.  Good ball, used it in team in State last year, and all 9 games in nationals.  Works for me on medium to medium oily.  4 x 4 drilling.  I can't find a place for it in league very often this year.  THS, very dry outside, heavy in the middle.

I am considering a Thing Lives.   Assume same 4 x 4 drilling,  how does the Thing compare with the Thing Lives?  Is the TL a LOT stronger, or a little.  More mid - lane or back end.  Can I play more in the oil or still have to play down the oil line (around 8 - 10)?  My Thing handles carrydown well.  How about the TL? I've read the reviews, but they are sometimes contradictory and don't do comparisons between balls.  

By the way, if Jim Ensminger sees this, I mostly bowl at AMF Showplace Euless, which I am sure he is familiar with.  Also, Ron Williams drills balls for me.



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Re: Thing vs. Thing Lives
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 11:04:05 AM »
The Thing Lives is typically longer and stronger,..since Ron does your stuff, and although he's a young-whippersnapper, he's the best around. Take your Thing over and talk to him about the TL,..and what you can do to get a better or different reaction with a new ball. Tell him he still can't beat me,...jim



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Re: Thing vs. Thing Lives
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 11:18:51 AM »
Thing Lives longer and stronger than a Thing ?!  Jim ...really? I would think the opposite...
"what, by the time I get back..they won't be dead anymore ?.


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Re: Thing vs. Thing Lives
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2005, 11:23:19 AM »
I used to have an original Thing, drilled 3x5.  The thing litterally flared outta my hand.  I got 7 inches of flare out of mine, so the Thing is a pretty early piece for a pearl(I think it's a pearl).  I'm not a dyno guy but what I've seen from the Thing Lives, it looks awesome.
...and I throw Hammers