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Author Topic: Thoughts on polishing Anomaly  (Read 1185 times)


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Thoughts on polishing Anomaly
« on: December 21, 2004, 12:29:16 AM »
I've been noticing that my anomaly is starting to come back with burn marks on it, even when being thrown on fresh oil.  Now I know that this ball is very condition specific, and there is probably not enough head oil on the lanes (newguy, just out of curiosity:  how much oil does this thing need???).

I'm just wondering what would happen to the ball if you put a "light" coat of polish on it, say to 800-1000 polished?  

I love this ball on the shot that my house puts down, because it is an excellent control ball for me.  But I know that it is losing alot of energy & not hitting the pins with it's full potential.

Any thoughts, or is there a variation to my release I can try to rectify this situation?
Maybe someday that Big 'B' will learn how to knock down that little 10 pin!
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Thoughts on polishing Anomaly
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2004, 09:11:35 AM »
I loved my polished Anomaly. I actually never tried it in anything other than a highly polished state, but that ball was a beast for me. It got great length but flipped hard and shredded racks. I would say your decision should be based upon what you want the ball for. For me, I liked it for opening up the lanes on mediums. If you want it for heavier oil, polishing may not be the way to go.
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Re: Thoughts on polishing Anomaly
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2004, 11:12:33 AM »
I have a 10:30 drill pattern with the pin tucked under the ring finger, I get a hard arc reaction on medium oil/THS. Burns up the track by middle of game 2, then my team mates with less hand jump on that and bank it all day...

Seriously though, I have been struggling during practice on PBA Pattern D with anything less than 800-1000... LOVE IT ON 45 FEET OF OIL in box finish!!! This ball gets a bad rap on the reviews because it seems 3 out 5 people don't match this ball to the condition, let alone their style. I am one of 3 people in my area that use this ball. In my humble opinion not a Stroker's ball (unless on heavy or long oil), not for a hi track roller (unless you have hi speed/drill it for length) or a someone with slow speed (unless they're on a flood). Just my observations... Two of us three, know when to use it... The third guy STUBBORN, someday he'll stop paying the rest of us in the brackets.
Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: Thoughts on polishing Anomaly
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2004, 07:52:23 AM »
For applications by hand, the Neo-Tac stuff is definitely the way to go.

I use Renew-It as my main polish.  You just keep adding coats until you get the desired degree of shine.
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