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Author Topic: Threshold compared to Big one  (Read 1181 times)


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Threshold compared to Big one
« on: August 08, 2006, 11:15:28 AM »
Just like the title say's,does anybody have any idea on how the 2 compare with each other.I love throwing Dyno stuff and i have been using there stuff 90 % of the time over the last 4 years, but i got a good deal on The big one and i like it but i would like to get a threshold.Does anybody have any opinion on the 2 balls.



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Re: Threshold compared to Big one
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 08:18:55 PM »
I can't compare the 2 balls because I only have the Threshold but I have to tell you it is a great ball. It is very versatile and hits like a truck. Before I got the Threshold I was leaving a lot of 7 pins (I'm lefty). Now they are nowhere to be found. I bowled in a tournament on Sunday and on the first shot of one of my games I pulled a muscle in my groin. All I could think of was 'how can I finish this game' but the ball is so versatile all I did was move 2 boards right and stay down the ball did the rest. I opened that first frame then shot 11 in a row on a bad leg. It was awesome.



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Re: Threshold compared to Big one
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2006, 01:47:48 PM »
Little after the fact...but:

Got the throw the Threshold -vs- the Big One and Infinite One this past weekend at a Demo-Day we were hosting.  I found the Threshold to react most like the Infinite One (My Threshold has a 2000 grit finish) on the fresh 41ft Sport Pattern that was put down.  If anything the Threshold finished slightly stronger.  After throwing a game or so with both balls I switched to the Big One and has a different look on the lanes.  The Big One would react harder to the little bit of dry I created throwing the other two balls.  Anything outside of this track area the ball wasn't totally strong enough to come back to the pocket completely.  

So on a pure oil shot I personally liked the Threshold better.  But if there is a bit of dry to play with the Big One gave me a better look.  Ofcourse one could adjust both balls surfaces and probably get something similar to one another.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Threshold compared to Big one
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 03:08:58 PM »
I have a friend (Andy Loose) who posts on ballreviews
and this ball hooks so much that it takes away some
of the out of bounds on a sport condition that he
bowls on. I believe tha this will outhook most balls
on the market, when there is the right amount of
heavier stuff. I have not drilled mine, because I
drilled a Black Widow, and dont want to duplicate the
reaction. The cover feels awesome and the ball looks
great. All I can say is go left and wheel it (if your


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Re: Threshold compared to Big one
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 03:21:07 PM »
Well lets see...the infinite one is alot stonger than the Big One and the Threshold smokes them both. I had a Big One drilled pretty much the same as my Threshold and at the time I thought the BO was a oil hog. Now I know the true meaning of oil hog!

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