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Author Topic: Threshold Does It Again  (Read 917 times)

Spider Ball Bowler

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Threshold Does It Again
« on: September 24, 2006, 08:28:55 AM »
Had my first tournament of the season today.  In practice I was having better success with my Track Machine, so I used that for the first 3 games...shooting 226, 190, 196.  The cut after 3 games was -1.  I then switched to my Threshold and shot 216, 212 for the final two.  Ended up +40.

I qualified 10th and in my first match play game went strike, spare in the 10th to force my opponent to strike out.  Which with my luck, of course he did.  So we tied at 180.  In the 9th and 10th frame roll off, I went XX9/ and he opened in the 9th, so I won.

2nd match play I ran into another Dyno-Thane user and lost 207-247.  I ended up finsihing 6th for a $100 pay day.

Not too bad of a start to the tournament season.

My Threshold keeps doing the job for me.  LOVIN' IT!

Dyno-Thane (for now)



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Re: Threshold Does It Again
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 07:10:15 AM »
great bowling Stephen, congrats guy
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