Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: FastTracker33 on January 05, 2007, 02:05:41 PM
Hi. i was really liking the Threshold lately! I was wondering if it can fit in this spot of my arsenal...
Heavy Oil (no floods): THRESHOLD
Medium/Heavy Oil: Power Machine
Medium: Equation
Light: Desert Heat
I know i have all other Track stuff. But i was wondering if the THRESHOLD can fit a heavier oil spot in my arsenal... thanks!
Track Legion
Mean MAchine, PoWer MaChine, EQuation , DEsert HeAt
" Just can't Beat That!"
I would think so, seems to work for all who have tried it.
Leading Edge Pro Shop
D/T Customer Service 1-877-828-7177
Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
send 230-n-up-or-bust and ask him what he thinks of the Threshold.
Leading Edge Pro Shop
D/T Customer Service 1-877-828-7177
Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
The Threshold is a good heavy oil piece. I had more success with it at 2000 grit because I never truly see a flood type shot. I shot 279-699 with mine and won a couple bills on a medium oil shot before I got rid of it.
My thumb hole was all jacked up and didn't really care to get it fixed lol.
All Hammer, All The Time...except when I'm throwing the Super Beast
IMHO it is the best oil ball in the Dynothane line. I found the cover is very versatile, took it down to 800 grit and the ball hooked at my feet, but the one time we did hit a flood it was the only ball I had that did anything.
The Threshold is a good ball, but I wouldn't say it is the best choice for floods. Compared to my Ebonite Overtime, I get about 8 boards more hook out of the Overtime, while the Threshold seems a little inconsistent for me. The two balls are even layed out close to eachother (3 3/8 by 3 3/8). When I tried the Threshold on heavy oil (42 feet 2:1 oil ratio), it just skidded all the way down. Maybe the new Threshold NGS would be better?
Edited on 1/12/2007 11:07 AM
I shot 300 a month ago with my Threshold, but I would
not consider it a real heavy oil ball, but more of a
medium heavy ball. The best surface for me was 2000
abralon, 4000 went to long, 2000 just right. I would
highly recommend this ball to anyone.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)