
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: TECH SUPPORT on April 27, 2004, 12:40:29 AM

Title: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on April 27, 2004, 12:40:29 AM
I was wondering how smooth this ball is and at the same time how strong it is when it gets into its roll.

I have one on the way and want to drill it as a bench mark ball for a medium oil flat pattern with a little bump to them around 5. Is there anyway to get this ball to have a hard arc/snap to it. I have heard these balls were smooth of of the dry so I dont want to drill it stacked and have it jump violently. I like to use 4-1/4 pin to axis layouts and different core positions. But what core position would give the best read off of the dry. Most of my stuff would be a 45 degree lay out and adjust the length with the pin high or low or surface. I guess what I want is to drill it strong but not be disapointed when it over reacts and becomes eratic. I have heard that you dont have to worry about that with this ball but want to make sure. Any input would be appreciated. I have a thing drilled 5-1/2 x 45 with the pin above and between the fingers that is Very Very strong Dispite its current layout. I want this one a step below it to controle the break just a little better.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: jimensminger on April 27, 2004, 03:51:55 PM
I have one drilled with the pin under the bridge, cg on the midline at 45*, and a hole at the mb, getting the side weight back to 1/4oz pos...I put a little 800 polish on it and it's a great look for smooth arcing, and lots of revs...easy to throw and control. I like it on synthetics when the backs start to carry down and I can't swing the whole lane,...I can stay tight against the dry-line and still the carry is good...great choice. With your revs you'll need a little polish, try it box first though .
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 03, 2004, 03:17:27 PM
I drilled this ball 4-1/4x4-1/4 and think I screwed up. This is the second failed attempt lately @ a stacked layout and have failed miserably. I heard this ball was smooth of the dry and thought I would try and help it bounce a little by drilling it this way. Nope it was a mistake and I knew better than to do it. I do not match up to stacked layouts very well. They always act eratic and give me over/under reactions. I have three choices, plugg and redrill or sand it down to 800 and add a weight hole to try and even the reaction out a little bit. Any ideas people. I had two anomalys one drilled mild and one drilled strong/stacked I got rid of both one because of a friend that loved the mild one and the other because it was shot/release specific and I hated it. What can I do to the vendetta black to ease the pain.

I said I would sand it down to 800 because I dont know if it is box finish or not. I have a feeling it has been polished but not 100% sure.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: jimensminger on May 03, 2004, 03:21:29 PM
e-mail me,

Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 03, 2004, 03:26:03 PM
mail sent.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: Jeffrevs on May 03, 2004, 03:26:44 PM

Why does this surprise you?  Resin, stacked (stacked = most flippy...IN GENERAL).
Not trying to be a jerk, I'm just wondering ....
Good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot....COME ON JEFF ! String a couple would ya !
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 03, 2004, 03:29:25 PM
Well I have a heat pearl original that I LOVE that is drilled like this. It is starting to go on me and was hoping the black would be a good replacement. A dyno ball stapher/ shop operator said it should be excelent replacement. So I drilled it just like the heat.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 03, 2004, 03:35:07 PM
The only thing different I can think of between the heat and vendetta is the pin being high on the vendetta v.s low on the heat.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: Jeffrevs on May 03, 2004, 03:39:09 PM
Well I have a heat pearl original that I LOVE that is drilled like this. It is starting to go on me and was hoping the black would be a good replacement. A dyno ball stapher/ shop operator said it should be excelent replacement. So I drilled it just like the heat.

ok, I guess I can see that then!
Good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot....COME ON JEFF ! String a couple would ya !
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: charlest on May 03, 2004, 05:55:04 PM
Tech Support,

There is a weight hole you can put in, that will make the ball flare more, plus it removes some thumb and some positive side weight.
(FYI This "trick" came from Denny Torgerson, who writes bowling columns and is somewhat of a drilling guru.)
The whole picture generally produces earlier (oftimes more) hook and more arc, less flip. Some people are sensitive about how much side and thumb/finger weight they have; so, only do this if you either have enough side and thumb weight or you don't mind some negative side weight or some finger weight. Driller should, as always, be careful about the legal limits.

The hole is placed directly (at least 3") below your axis point, parallel to your grip line (line thru fingers and thumb), along the VAL. Remove as much weight as you feel comfortable with. I am not sure what the minimum size should be; it shouldn't be huge (like 1 1/4" x 3") but it shouldn't be tiny either. I am not a driller, but I have had my driller do this and I have recommended this to others. The effect is usually easily seen, almost significant.

Worse comes to worse, you can always redrill it 45 degrees (4.25"x 2.5" or so) like your other balls.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 5/3/2004 5:48 PM
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 04, 2004, 09:40:09 AM
Never learn this is oppisite of what I have been told by staffers and others who have thrown the vendetta line. I think the only one flippy is the red/black pearl. Also I have the original heat pearl not the heat 2 if you some how got them mixed up it happens but if not???? Original = smoooooth and strong vendetta black now = smoooth and strongggg on the back.

I would also like to think MR.Ensminger for helping me out on what to do to get a better look and read out of the black vendetta. I would like to say it is real close to what I wanted and just a touch stronger than my heat.

Charlest thats pretty much what jimensminger told me to do. We emailed each other and I weighed the ball out and told him what I had and he told me where to put the x hole to give me the desired statics and presto changeo different ball. I had 1-1/4 side and 1/4 finger weight, I put a 3/4" x hole 1-3/4" deep on my val 3-1/2 inches below my pap in the thumb quadrant and had to drill a touch out of the fingers afterward to end up with 7/8 finger and 1/8 side. The end result was more hit and more overall continueation through the pins. Now I might adjust the surface a little bit to read the oil line better.

 Thanks all.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: Jeffrevs on May 04, 2004, 09:46:56 AM
To Charlest's comments:

I had an Element that came to me w/ one of these holes (not sure on statics) but this earlier reading midlane ball was a lot earlier, checked up real nice and arc-ed till the cows came home !  May be the trick
Good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot....COME ON JEFF ! String a couple would ya !
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: jimensminger on May 04, 2004, 11:16:56 AM
MR., can call me jim, I'm old but not that old,...yet.
your welcome.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: TECH SUPPORT on May 05, 2004, 08:42:34 AM
Jim, its kinda hard to not call you MR because every time I see you there @ the SASBA tournys theres a bunch of older people around.

Also on a side note didnt david ozio just turn fifty, Is he going to be bowling the sasba's now.
Title: Re: Vendetta black layout advice wanted.
Post by: jimensminger on May 05, 2004, 08:52:38 AM
yep,..."the OZ" is fifty. He's out on the Sr. Tour right now and doing pretty good, he's bowled a couple SASBAs already, him and Smurf were second at Houston. There's a few of them young whipper-snappers just turned 50, Pete and Paul McCordic bowled our last tournament, it's great seeing them guys bowling with us, and yes,...they're still real good.