Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: tedfields on February 26, 2004, 07:15:26 PM
This question is for new guy, but any one else can answer it.
If I put the same layout, in a Vendetta, Ven Solid, Vendetta
Particle Pearl, which one would be the earliest, and which
one would be the latest? Also, would it make sense to have all
Why go with the same layout? Yes, you would see difference but also much overlap.
early to late
Vend solid (Dull), Vendetta Pearl Particle, Vendetta
Phil, thanks for being the voice of reason.
My current league bag. I bowl in two different houses, one is old wood and the other is a new synthetic. The old wood use lots of oil to protect the heads and goes long 42+feet. The synthetic house uses less on the heads but goes about feet. My wood house bag is is the Vendetta particle, Vendetta pearl particle and the Red Vendetta. My synthetic house bag is the Red Vendetta, Black Vendetta and the Vendetta pearl Particle. ALL ARE DRILLED THE SAME, since the length is longer in both houses I have the pin by the ring finger and the cg to 1/2 pos. side on near the center of my grip. No extra holes. Oh by the way I use higher top weights. All the balls have 1 1/2 top after drilling. I feel this allows for my roll, speed and rev rate to store and continue. the wood house normally has an o.b. out side of 7 and a flood in side of 10 so it a basic tube shot, when the heads go it early roll and quit. The synthetic house has larger but not ridicules volume inside of 10 and a blended taper out side so there really is no wet dry boom in either place.
Coverstock is more important than drilling. IMO.
Northface, thanks for making my point. If you have enough differences
in coverstocks, why can't use the same or your favorite layout.
Thanks, Tedquote:
Coverstock is more important than drilling. IMO.
Are we not saying the same when you wrote about what it is
in your league bag?
Thanks, Tedquote:
Remember you do have to have enough of an option in a specific core you match up well with. Drillings will tune the reaction to avoid burn up or ringing corners.