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Author Topic: Vendetta Mag 44  (Read 4811 times)

DynoLess Daddy

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Vendetta Mag 44
« on: April 05, 2006, 06:28:22 AM »
Should be called Vendetta Mag $$

I drilled it pin line..threw 6 balls. 9 XXXXX 9 and thenI  had to quit or else I would not get any work done... I think I just fell in love... Oh my GOD!! Becky looky at that Ball... The new vendetta not only clears the lane but corners the camera and back..Great Job DT for taking the vendetta line a step further!

I will test this afternoon and give you the scoop.. I just might have to sub tonight!

a little barney, a little black ==== The Magnum $$ (44)

My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)
Shawn finally got the picture. He bought a whole bunch of Dynothanes and managed to make the All ARMY TEAM 2006..Way to go Dyno Daddy's #1 Girl!


Edited on 4/5/2006 2:34 PM



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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2006, 07:25:14 AM »
last night, first time, right off the press...300-220-258. I took a picture of the ball that Jaros had used on the show to the proshop and told them " drill it like this", the pin under the ring one.


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2006, 07:57:14 AM »
last night, first time, right off the press...300-220-258. I took a picture of the ball that Jaros had used on the show to the proshop and told them " drill it like this", the pin under the ring one.

..."Follow men's eyes as they look to the skies,...The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams..."


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2006, 10:50:45 AM »
what can I say,..the best equipment in the world, and an old fat guy,..makes me look good.


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2006, 10:52:24 AM »

Can you give a comparison of this ball to the Sniper and/or the Black?  I'm in the market for a good controllable, medium condition ball, and I'm considering the 44, but there's so little info so far.  


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2006, 11:17:45 AM »
Splen...I have maybe 40 frames on the 44, so it a little early to start all the comparisons. I will say this,..before league started I got in about 5-6 frames on a pair that a local PBA Exempt was practicing, he threw the 44 five times,..had 5 high flush 10 in the pit strikes, turned to me and said " I'll take a case",..he said the ball was extremely clean, and read the lanes effortlessly,..

for those of you that `know me I won't do comparisons, too many variables,..that's what the "guys" do on the web site. What I will say is that for the price you CAN NOT buy a better ball than a Vendetta.

ALL ball company equipment will work on your Tuesday night mixed league, one pair of lanes, fresh ran,..and set up to keep the house bowlers coming back,..yippee.

But when I go on the road, and bowl in tournaments all over the SouthWest, crossing as many as 64 lanes in one day, I want something thats going to keep me in the game,..when the scores are high and the lanes are playable, sure I want our 'big dogs' in my hands, the CM, the Z, the HE and the PE, but when they get dirt tough, and I want control, and predictability, (ie; Vegas or Nats last year) I go to my B game, and my Vendettas. So when you say compare, I say depends on what I have to do. One thing for sure that I've seen is Vendettas never die,..I have some that I've changed the surface on several times,..and they just keep on ticking...any questions you can pm me anytime.


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2006, 11:20:54 AM »
Drilled out my 44 last night and was very impressed with the ball thus far.  You can tell right away that the RG level is lower than the other Vendetta's, but it still gets good length.

I'm actually going to take the ball with me to Nationals in a few better test than that condition.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2006, 11:32:01 AM »
I've used mine now 6 games in league, in two different houses. 722 and 758, with a 300 game,..and 20 games over the weekend in Houston at a SASBA tournament, averaged 228,...with a 280, and a 279.  I love the REVS I get with the low RG,..sweet.

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Vendetta Mag 44
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2006, 01:21:52 AM »
Jim...I must have fell asleep at the wheel tonight.

George and I managed to take the sheet into the 10 in the third game. He shoots 299 and I step up and leave the 6-7 split...I did fall asleep. we shot 780+ and 760+ ......what a ball... right after I added a coat of degree 2000
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)
Shawn finally got the picture. He bought a whole bunch of Dynothanes and managed to make the All ARMY TEAM 2006..Way to go Dyno Daddy's #1 Girl!