i would say that dyno thane balls are pretty versitile balls as a whole, i use my black on about every condition. and i score really well. i just picked up the new vendetta pearl on tuesday, i am excited to post my opinion after a few weeks of practice. gotta let the cover break in to make a fair judgment of it.
but as for balls being condition specific, well thats true to a point, they are manufactured for a certain type of condition, but i am not gonna go out and buy a ball for a certain type of condition,thats a waste of money. i might run into a certain condition maybe once or twice a year. thats not worth the money.
the only balls that i havent figured out is the particle balls. i tried everything from a high gloss to very dull. i cant get consistency out of any particles. they lose alot of energy getting to the pocket. its probably me, i am about to give up on them and stay with the reactives. at least they use their energy at the pocket.
if you have any suggestiions on what i should do with the particles let me know