Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: crankncrash on April 18, 2004, 07:47:13 PM
I told Curly this would have to be posted.
I took my VP back home and bowled good ole Curly with his pretty Uranium, well I can now say that Dynothane is officially better than Lane 1! LOL, I guess the scores are what matters and I won so that automatically makes Dyno better.
On a more realistic note, I love this ball! I might just grab another. SO strong and predictable its the best combo i have seen. It even out performs my element that i am so fond of. So if there are any ideas of not keeping these things in production PLEASE keep them in the line up
I'm with Tony, the VP is the stuff!
I agree. I love my Vendetta Particle as well. Over 200 games and it hasn't lost any of its bite or hit!
I want another one.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
Bah! This is old news.
One day you suckahs will wreckanyze that I know best. yes, I AM that good.
Uh oh.
The day Phil slaps me around is the day I can officially declare myself as a has-been. In some third world countries I have small tribes named after my skills, like the Bamajo Tribe of the Pupu Nation in Zimbabwe. But I think I'll have to smoke signal the witch doctor to rename them to the Philajo Tribe. I pass the torch.
Oh the humility!
Oh that's right. You are an honorary chief of the Lostyourdammind Tribe.
If you are trying to talk smack to get me to bowl the regional, it's working.
I'm bringing my equipment tomorrow and going to hit the lanes during lunch... after more than five weeks of not even looking at my equipment.
Raw natural talent like mine is not hard to rekindle. Kinda like me and the ladies... even after a couple years of being with the same chick, once I'm single all I have to do is hit one of the bars and all the hotties are hittin on me. It's a curse.
...and the fisherman gently sets the hook,...not too hard,..a little more line....easy does it...
Somebody call the bookie!
Phil is GOING DOWN!!
after ya hook 'em, it's fun to play with 'em for a while,..then into the well..and then the pan.
Hey, you guys should calm down, and just take a page out of Jay Maynard's book.
Tony knows what I'm talking about! 
Worse....much worse!
but they look good on the wall,...
WTF?!? You two are almost finishing each other's thoughts and speaking as one person...
Worse....much worse!
You smell that? Yup, I smell a BET coming on!
You have house advantage and that whole left-handed advantage. E pattern will get nasty dry in Astro Bowl. I'll be laying the ball left of you Phil.
Next week, I'm going to start a Place Your Bets thread. Who ever guesses the closest over/under scores wins a free ball.
Wonder if they'll play.
"build it and they will come,..."
That's because you have not been to the Saw Mill. I would be willing to take the VP/Lane 1 challenge. Just my 2 cents worth.
If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; if you Upset Clump, You Gets Clumped Up!!
I'll take the "old left-hander" for a mexican dinner and a ice tea. I'm probably not eligible for the free ball..."viva la ezquirda"
where are we meeting dave?
Uh OH, Crankncrash gets to eat crow.

Nothing hits as hard as an Uranium
ur prolly right on that one, i will be getting back to bowling in 2 short weeks so i will be ready... if dave is in Upsate NY as i suspect, then lets turn on the grill!
Hey Tony, don't look now, but you are totally screwed. You got called out by a guy who's old enough to be your grandfather. Do you know how many props you get for beating up on your grandpa? Right, exactly none.
Now let's say the old geezer whups up on you. Now you look like a little kid who got taken out for a spanking.
Can you say, "I am screwed"? 
Oh btw, if you were thinking about asking for your T/R back, forget it. 14 in a row last night, the damn thing doesn't know how to miss the pocket. Too bad the operator sucks, or it would have been more like 20 in a row. 
Cogito ergo bowl
Hey Tony, don't look now, but you are totally screwed. You got called out by a guy who's old enough to be your grandfather. Do you know how many props you get for beating up on your grandpa? Right, exactly none.
Now let's say the old geezer whups up on you. Now you look like a little kid who got taken out for a spanking.
Can you say, "I am screwed"? 
Oh btw, if you were thinking about asking for your T/R back, forget it. 14 in a row last night, the damn thing doesn't know how to miss the pocket. Too bad the operator sucks, or it would have been more like 20 in a row. 
Cogito ergo bowl
I ain't skeered of the geriatric wrong-hander. Although I think I will have to bowl with a wrist brace. I practiced yesterday for the first time in five weekns and it hurt a little. SO I put on a Storm glove/brace thingie and I was ok. It's going to be tough learning to bowl with one of those. I can't rev up on the ball like I used to... but I think that's how I hurt myself. Funny thing, all my fingers seemed to have shrunk a lot. Had to put like four sticks of tape in every ball!
Glad you liked that Thing Returns. That and the Anomaly are my favorites of the Soakers. Anomaly = arc. Thing Returns = skid/snap. I always recommend the Thing Returns to people who bowl on house conditions. It stores energy so well, when it gets a piece of the head pin it's gunna carry!
I wonder if Billy Yinger is going to bowl too. Maybe I can side bet both of those chumps to a steak dinner. LOW MAN PAYS!!

...."I wonder if Billy Yinger is going to bowl too. Maybe I can side bet both of those chumps to a steak dinner. LOW MAN PAYS!!"
AH HA! Bamaster is starting to get skeered. He's looking for some options to keep from paying. 

Nothing hits as hard as an Uranium 
I accept my defeat with grace and dignity. Not! I was hustled! What is this Vendetta Particle that carrys everything?! Flush head pin shots, heavy and/or light brooklyns, light sweepers, heavy pocket hits,......everything. LOL!