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Author Topic: what a finish  (Read 1166 times)


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what a finish
« on: May 18, 2006, 11:04:35 PM »
first let me start by saying that this should probably be in the general
bowling forum but since i am a dyno baby and i do most of my bowling
related posts here and i am friends with steve i figured id post it
over here. please indulge me this once. last night was the last night in
my 2nd shift mens league. it is a tough league with tough conditions
and i bowl in it because i knew i would improve if i did.
   so we are battling for 5th. we could possibly finish 4th if everything
broke our way or we could slip to seventh if we stunk up the place.
first game we take 2 points they take 5 . 2nd game we take 6 they take
1. so 3rd game here it is all on the line for our 5th place spot.
we start off and they are bombing the rack. their scratch average is around
745 ours is around 760. they are striking but we are hanging in. we get to the
last frame my son opens their 1st guy opens . our 2nd guy is working on a
double into the tenth and he doubles in the 10 and then a 9. our 3rd
guy has a 4 bagger into the tenth he doubles and a 9. i spare and then
strike. their anchor strikes in the 10th. if he doubles they win the 3 points
for the game . he throws bam leaves a 10. whew . bottom line they threw a scratch 862 we threw a scratch 877 and beat them in the last game
1093 to 1091. what a finish. we save our most exciting and dramatic game
all year for the very last game. not 1 of the 8 bowlers bowling threw a
stinker. noboby cracked under pressure everybody respoded. my hats off to
the team we bowled to my teammates and to this great sport. ya
gotta love this game  !!




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Re: what a finish
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 07:34:59 AM »
Great report, Bowling IS still fun. jim


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Re: what a finish
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2006, 01:31:03 PM »
yes it is. now i look forward to resting these joints for at LEAST
1 month before bowling again  lol
