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Author Topic: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?  (Read 2626 times)

Ric Clint

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What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« on: February 09, 2005, 05:43:46 PM »
I've talked to this person and to that person and to this person... one says it goes longer and has more backend than the Thing Returns... ones says it hooks earlier... one says it goes longer but has less backend than the Thing Returns... this is driving me crazy!!!

Does anybody know what this ball is? What can a fine sweet lovable young man expect from this ball? And why was there such a big hype about this ball before it came out? What is so special about it?

I'm wanting one (after my success with the Thing LIVES, how can I not want this ball?)... but I can't figure out what it does?

BTM Mag gave it like 8's and 9's on Medium and Dry... strong backend and torque.

What in the world is this ball? Phil said that this may end up being the best selling ball he's ever created... why did he say this.... what about this ball does he like so much?



the prince

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 06:47:56 AM »
My ENERGY and my THING RETURNS are drilled identical:  5 x 4 and the CG on the midline.  They are both in box condition.  For me, the Energy hooks earlier and covers more boards than the Thing Returns.  If polished, it would be far stronger than the Thing Returns on the back end, and would still cover more boards.  I have taken my Thing Returns out of my bag because I get a similar, but more predictable backend reaction with my Pearl Vendetta.

Keep in mind is if covers are altered and drillings are different, it will result in completely different ball reactions, which may be why you are getting conflicting reports.


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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 08:06:37 AM »
Anything that could replace the TR in my bag would have to be a hell of a ball.  Might have to find me a Vendetta Pearl, although I was leaning toward a Pearl Crisis...

According to D/T's ball reaction charts, the Energy seems most closely related to the original Thing, perhaps best described as a Thing on steroids, with an RG diff of 0.060, versus 0.045 for the Thing; 5+" of flare, versus 3-5" for the Thing.

Although D/T says they handle similar amounts of oil (medium to medium/heavy), the Energy has less midlane roll, and a more angular backend move than the Thing.

Then there are the intangibles, which you can only experience by throwing the ball.  Sadly, I have not. <sigh>
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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2005, 08:21:59 AM »
"The Truth???  You can't handle the Truth!!!! " .......sorry for the  movie interruption......(now back to the serious comments)
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the prince

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2005, 11:00:33 AM »

Also, Prince whats your line up look like concerning DT balls now, since the release of the Energy ?

In order of decreasing oil on the lanes:

Thing Lives
Black Vendetta
Pearl Vendetta
Pearl Crisis

I usually only carry the middle 3 for league on the house shot, the bottom 3 for my PBA pattern league.  They all go to a tournament.

the prince

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2005, 11:02:24 AM »
Seadrive - for me, the Thing Returns is right in the middle of the Pearl Vendetta and the Pearl Crisis, so I guess it depends if you want to go weaker or stronger.


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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2005, 11:50:27 AM »
Y'know, it'd be so much easier if BR could just set the ball up in the reviews section.  But hey, that's crazy talk.

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2005, 12:16:08 PM »
there's been at LEAST ten requests to have it added,..only thing I can figure is that and mg.bowling don't carry DynoThanes...we've had the same problem before, eventually they seem to get added.

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2005, 11:35:12 PM »
Honestly.. the Energy adds so much more control without giving up the power and carry of a dynothane. The Tr is a ball that is more condition specific. The Energy opens the lane up so much more and with fewer adjustments...

Besides. I managed to shoot 812 tonight in league with after adding just a pinch of compound finish!!!

go figure!!
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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2005, 03:54:39 PM »

Also, Prince whats your line up look like concerning DT balls now, since the release of the Energy ?

In order of decreasing oil on the lanes:

Thing Lives
Black Vendetta
Pearl Vendetta
Pearl Crisis

I usually only carry the middle 3 for league on the house shot, the bottom 3 for my PBA pattern league.  They all go to a tournament.

I'm inclined to believe that an 800-grit sanded resin solid, like the Vendetta Black, will handle much more oil than a polished, pearl resin, like the ENergy, even when the cover is the Soaker coverstock, especially when that Soaker coverstock is the ATC which is meant, as far as I know, to grab the lane later than the original Soaker coverstock.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Ric Clint

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2005, 03:46:37 AM »
Honestly.. the Energy adds so much more control without giving up the power and carry of a dynothane.

What exactly do you mean by this? Is the Thing Returns sharper on the backend, where as the Energy is more even... but it's still stronger overall than the Thing Returns? Or...???

The Tr is a ball that is more condition specific. The Energy opens the lane up so much more and with fewer adjustments...

What exactly do you mean by this statement? That the Thing Returns is more sensitive to oil than the Energy???

Edited on 2/13/2005 4:45 AM

the prince

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2005, 06:50:32 AM »
[I'm inclined to believe that an 800-grit sanded resin solid, like the Vendetta Black, will handle much more oil than a polished, pearl resin, like the ENergy, even when the cover is the Soaker coverstock, especially when that Soaker coverstock is the ATC which is meant, as far as I know, to grab the lane later than the original Soaker coverstock.

I would agree with you except (1) the Vendetta and Energy cores are different and (2) my BV is not sanded ............ I have them drilled the same, and the coverstocks are prepared the same (my BV is about 800 or 1000 with a very light coat of polish, similar to the box condition of my Energy).  I'm pretty sure that my rankings would be different if my Energy was 2000 polished and my BV was 800 sanded.

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: What is the TRUTH about the ENERGY?
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2005, 08:02:27 AM »
What I mean is that
(1) The Energy allows so many more moves form the beginning than the TR, (Ex. lets say your track burns up but if you play right the ball is to early.. you make simple hand adjustments and the energy responds much quicker and better than the TR}

(2)the problem with getting more hook is that usually you can play for a few frames and making more adjustments until you have to put the ball away.. because of the coverstock on the energy, you are able to tweak it to read the lane  early (pick up roll) with out sacrificing the loss of power through the transition....

all in all the tr is a great ball when the lanes break down and you need some angle.....but the energy allows you to play that fresh condition and keep with it through the transition of the lanes from game to game for a longer period of time.

Remember the biggest lesson from all of these is still surface prep. Once you match it to your particular style you will be amazed at the results...
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