
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: xxZonexx on June 28, 2005, 07:18:55 AM

Title: what should i pick
Post by: xxZonexx on June 28, 2005, 07:18:55 AM
I have an absolute inferno thats my go to ball out of my bag. I have a dyno thane thing lives that is for when i encounter carrydown or a heaver pattern then my abs can handel. I need some thing that will hook more though out the whole lane then both thoes balls. What would u suggest.

I am a tweener
With medium revs
about 15-16 mph

Ideas are

-New inferno (whats its reaction?)
-Strike zone (leaning away from it)
-High energy

I want a arcing ball that has some length i do not want a skid snap reaction.

Your bowling ur self...You are your biggest enemy.

A guy gets on the mta dies, his corpse doing laps around La, Think any one will notice

A guy tells me when arnt bowling good quit getting mad at ur self when ur struggling, he said i wish i had ur tallent at ur age, Be greatful for how good u are.
Title: Re: what should i pick
Post by: jimensminger on June 28, 2005, 08:43:55 PM
Vendetta MaXX
Title: Re: what should i pick
Post by: xxZonexx on June 28, 2005, 08:59:00 PM
had bad luck with that core in Vendetta line dont wna try another what about HE ?
Your bowling ur self...You are your biggest enemy.

A guy gets on the mta dies, his corpse doing laps around La, Think any one will notice

A guy tells me when arnt bowling good quit getting mad at ur self when ur struggling, he said i wish i had ur tallent at ur age, Be greatful for how good u are.
Title: Re: what should i pick
Post by: jimensminger on June 28, 2005, 09:06:44 PM
a HE will work for sure,...just trying to save ya afew bucks,..I have one that I used at the BTM in Baton Rouge and bowled great with,...I drilled it 4 x 3 with the pin under the fingers,...a pap hole about 5" over on the midline,..and hand rubbed it all over with a grey scotch brite,.(1000 grit),
reacted very smooth,..and had a nice even arc on a tough shot...jim
Title: Re: what should i pick
Post by: xxZonexx on June 29, 2005, 10:34:17 AM
k Seems wierd that the Thing lives will handel more oil then the HE as the say on there chart.
Your bowling ur self...You are your biggest enemy.

A guy gets on the mta dies, his corpse doing laps around La, Think any one will notice

A guy tells me when arnt bowling good quit getting mad at ur self when ur struggling, he said i wish i had ur tallent at ur age, Be greatful for how good u are.
Title: Re: what should i pick
Post by: jimensminger on June 29, 2005, 10:36:34 AM
all things being equal,..remember the Thing Lives is a solid.