I see balls beind discontiued with in 1 year of there sales, i have an intense inferno its already discontnued... Why.. I have The Thing, Thing returns 2 of em, vendetta pearl, Thing lives, not one is discontinued. Dyno-thane truly makes a good product, and really knows what there doing with each ball developement. I dont have to worrie about buying a ball off them and saying will this fit my game or is this a goood ball, i know if i buy a ball off them i know its going to straight out perform. Every ball i use in league is a dyno-thane ball beacuse of the conistiacy i get from them. Dyno thane has what 2 discontinued balls, out of all there stuff. Eather its personal skill the ball, but iv been bowling for about 1 year 2 mts and i threw, tons of 279's,280,288,289,298,298 and average about 197. A friend of mine told me about the thing and there it started i buy almost all there stuff now even shoes and a bag, because i know there built with quality.