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Author Topic: Why so Quiet,...??  (Read 2057 times)


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Why so Quiet,...??
« on: September 10, 2004, 02:20:53 AM »
Why are you DYNOTHANE users so quiet on here,..I know there's a bunch out there. I see more and more at the centers evry night,..and the pro shop has a tough time keeping them in stock. With 8 bowlers on our pair last night 4 were using D/Ts,...2 Ven Blacks, a New Ven Pearl, and an Anomaly and a Ven Part. All said they loved their D/Ts. I'm sure the "Guys" would like to hear about your bowling experiences, likes and dislikes, scores, conditions,..and all that crosstalk I see on other sites. How many other sites do the "guys" in the know actually come on here and help with their insights and info when they can..? The more the feedback, the better the products in the future..jim



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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2004, 11:30:51 AM »
I agree Jim and I have posted on the Visionary forum in the past that I thought the Wonders were missing out on a wonderful opportunity to interact with their customers...they choose not to do so.  I am glad the "guys" do interact with all of I also welcome the opportunity to get knowledgeable answers from Tony, Phillip Marlowe, charlest, yourself and other DT'ers.

BTW....the DT VPP finally cae in with right top weight and pin length and getting it drilled on Monday.  Using the layout you suggested in the carry down topic.



Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2004, 12:35:14 PM »
Haven't had much to say lately.  One house has gone so dry I can only use the barrage and a couple of others have screwed up their backends so royally I haven't found something that works to get through the heads and still bangs the backs.  Even particle pearls don't cut it.  I have gone back to mainly just the old Red/Black Vendetta and the Barrage lately, together with a couple of balls with the ("horrors") old Brunswick N'Control coverstock.

I have to say I do like the AU79.  Good strong move, angular and gets through the mids where my favorite ball (the Element) sometimes doesn't.  A very good offering.
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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2004, 08:38:01 AM »
Yesterday was our Friday sweeper before our weekend SASBA tournament, five squads of 3 gamers to qualify for the single elim finals,..12 guys to the finals. The house is all wood, recently resurfaced. The pattern is semi-heavy oil that seems blended to the edges, with really hooking dry backs at the start. The lanes tend to open up some as more games are bowled, and the backends get a little carry down. I got there about noon and practiced about 4 games looking through all the stuff trying to find out what would give me the best look. I opted for my AU79, drilled 6 x 4, with the pin over my middle finger. This ball lets me get really deep, and play the skid/flip, creating a great entry angle. I played 20 to 8 for all 3 games and shot 269-246-247, all clean, and lead the day buy 30 pins over the nearest competion. In match play I won my first 2 matches, and went into the finals, I got whipped in the finals shooting a dismal 177, with a couple of splits, and finished 3rd and a nice little $200 check. I stayed with the AU79 the last game when a ball change would have been best, as the middle dried out the AU checked up a little too early a couple times. Learned some there. All in all a good performance, and on to todays tournament....jim


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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2004, 10:44:43 PM »
I bought my first D/T ball, an Element, last summer.  It quickly became the first ball out of my bag.  I liked it so much that I ended up selling my previous go to ball, a Track Pearl Stomp, to a friend.  I quickly fell in love with the Element's strong arcing movement, ability to keep the pins low, and very strong hit.  Curiously, when the weather started getting cooler last Fall, the Element quit breaking.  It went from a 12-15 board move to 5 boards or less.  So I put it away for awhile.  Then in late February the ball started to work for me again.  Don't know if it was the weather or just what.  But after about a year, I love the versatility of the Element.  Two weeks ago during our league organization night, I was throwing the Element from about 25 out to 5 and watching it come back to destroy the rack.  This afternoon at practice I was throwing it straight up 7 with the same result.

My second D/T ball, purchased about 3 months ago, is the Vendetta Black.  This is the earliest rolling ball of any I have ever used.  It gives me a real choice and change of pace from the Element, as well as my Track Mutant.  Last week during league, conditions were very much different than normal, with no back ends at all.  Neither the Element nor the Mutant would break more than 2-3 boards.  Everybody was struggling.  I somewhat salvaged my series by throwing the Ven Black at a slower speed, taking advantage of its early-rolling nature.  For that night I was actually getting more hook out of the Black than I was either the Element or Mutant.

I'm pretty satisfied with my arsenal right now, although I would still like to get my hands on an Anomaly at some point.  And I really appreciate the philosophy that New Guy brings to the company.  Make 'em good and make 'em to last.  It works for me.  Long live D/T!


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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 11:13:06 AM »
For those of you that know me, you know that I hate to brag,(cough-cough)..but the new Pearl Vendetta made me do it. I've now got 6 games on it in my Tues mixed league, 299-258-268-246-268-248,..825/762...264.5 average..!! I know I'm on a nice fresh house shot, but this ball strikes like crazy. I bowled in this house for years, and the shot has always been about the same, but the problem I had before was when I had to move with the oil and the carry down, I would loose carry,...we've all had that problem. This ball just hunts down the pocket and keeps striking. I know when I've thrown an off shot, I can feel when I should leave that weak ten, or gone a little high and should leave a 4 pin,...but this Pearl won't let that happen...I watch the ball go down the lane and it's like it has radar to the hole. It ain't all me for sure,..carrying the mediocre hits is what makes the big games,..this ball does exactly that. je


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Re: Why so Quiet,...??
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 05:00:33 PM »
Graybeard...By it's nature the Vendetta Pearl is a great dry lanes ball. I don't normally select a pearl, mild ball for a fresh house shot,..but I can't argue with it's success. For dry lanes I would suggest you use something that lets you cut down your entry angle some,...covering all those boards looks pretty but can be ineffective. I like a Crisis for dry lanes or a Barrage for extreme dry, my favorite is a 5 x 4 layout putting the pin over my finger holes, and a hole about 6" over on the midline to bring the side weight to about 1/2oz pos if needed. Then polish the heck out of it. Smoothe, controlled, and great hit. I haven't seen really dry yet with the Pearl Vendetta,...but my guess is it will work fine. je