Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: onlybowling on February 07, 2007, 04:41:47 AM
It is my hope - 1. That Phil will continue to have personal ownership of his designs and cover chemistry. And 2. Phil will find a way to continuse to produce his work for all of us.
The soaker formula is singular in the bowling world and I for one do not want to see it go away.
Strike my last statement. Ebonite will likely assume Dynothane's production since they bought it under the Columbia 300 umbrella.
No, my name is not Prince and I'm not particularly funky.
My dumbass 2004 Masters finish (tied for 292 with Gene Vincent):
that is true to a certain extent, Phil owns the Soaker, his alone. E did not get it, like they did not get "Roozs". Anything is possible, smirk, giggle.
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Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
Well, duh...

Ebonite can still pure Soaker and make Dynothane balls without using/stealing it for themselves.
No, my name is not Prince and I'm not particularly funky.
My dumbass 2004 Masters finish (tied for 292 with Gene Vincent):
from what I heard... Dyno will be shut down... and probably Circle too.
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Inside the Actors Studio: The Simpsons
"Good Luck & Good Bowling"
Email me at:
his email is being sent to all the Track Staffers and Pro Shops that I have had the pleasure of dealing with over the past several months.
In case you have not yet heard, I wanted to be the first to tell you that Ebonite has purchased Columbia Industries which includes the Track Brand. I can tell you that the latest products, including the Track Phoenix and Columbia Big Shot have been developed with extensive research and development and that I have full confidence in telling you that these products will be great performing balls. We designed the covers and cores to provide reliable and predictable motion for both bowlers and pro shops.
I appreciate your support over the past several months. I will be apart of the Columbia Brand for the next 60 days through the transition period. Even though I will not have all the answers, if you would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.
Again, I appreciate all your support and all the friendships that I have developed. Through thick and thin we know who our friends are and if you need anything at all – please feel free to let me know. Otherwise, this is a small world and I am sure we will meet again.
Again, I truly thank you.
Mike Judy
Vise Pba staff - Save time for the good times
Sad but true
Edited on 2/9/2007 12:54 PM
I think that you will see Dynothane going away.
IF you read into the press release you will se that they mention the brand equity of Track. I do not think they will try to manage 3 smaller brands.
Three is too many.
The market is overpopulated and there needs to bee some contraction. I fear that Dynothane will be lost in this acquisition. It is a common practice to acquire a company to shut them down.
Wasnt Dynothane a brother/sister with Rotogrip under Storm at one time? If so, why not pull the company out and go back under Storm again?
Dynothane is now owned by Ebonite. IT is theirs to do what they will with the brand.
I think this line is VERY important when looking at the press release.
“We still have many details to work out but are confident that we will successfully integrate the Columbia Industries products into our company. We did this with the acquisition of the Hammer brand in 2002 and look forward to doing so again,†added Scheid.
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Dynothane is now owned by Ebonite. IT is theirs to do what they will with the brand.
There is ONLY an agreement right now. It is not set in stone that it will happen. I'm sure they are only in the "intent" phase of the purchase, alot has to happen before a sale becomes official. Whether its just dotting the i or crossing the t, or if in fact there is the standard procedures that need to be done before the company is bought remains to be seen. Also, Dynothane was shipped under the Columbia brand if I'm not mistaken. All this could be is Ebonite will ship Dynothane under the Ebonite umbrella, BUT will not OWN Dynothane as with the Columbia agreement. I could be wrong though. Time will tell.
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as always...time will lend to the truth!
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"See my vise as it rolls down the can't it revs too much"
Columbia never owned Dynothane or Dynaroos, so they could not be part of the deal. Any purchase by Ebonite would have to be seperate. Until we hear it directly from Phil we should all assume that Dynothane will now be manufactured and marketed by Ebonite and Phil will still design the cores and coverstock, just like when manufacturing shifted from Storm to Columbia.
But who knows, maybe they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. But speculation on our part is just that, speculation. I'm sure everyone's questions will be answered in the next few weeks.
Don't worry Ying, I hear they have great fishin' and huntin' in Kentucky. What's that..? You're not big on fishin' and huntin'......oops.
I wish that I had better answers for you guys. This announcement came as I was travelling to Las Vegas for the High Roller. As I understand it, Ebonite now has all rights to Dynothane Balls and Accessories. They did not purchase the rights to our shoes. I really dont have anything "official" as to whats going to happen other than Dynorooz will continue normal operations. We should know more by early next week.
I would like to personally thank each of you for all of your insight. It has been a very positive experience for me.
I have a favorite saying, "It's not what circumstances do to you, it's what you do with them".
Not sure if you can answer this but did Columbia actually buy Dynothane balls and accessories. If they didn't then Ebonite actually purchased Dynothane separate from Columbia?
Boston Celtics
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wow, I hope dynothane stays, only equipment i use.
PennState 2006-2010
Smokin Inferno 5.75 x 4
Threshold 4 x 4
I've been using Dynothane since I bought my first Vendetta, the original. This deal made by Ebonite and Columbia will probably mean the end for Dynothane as a trademark from Ebonite to keep it in the market. Dynothane has not entered the market enough to be considered a force in sales. What I see here is that some covers (soaker) and cores will be push by Ebonite as new alternatives to bowlers as a separate line of equipment. Save this opinion, and give about 6-8 months to happen.
You guy are really prying into some private business dealings. Much of which can not and should not be discussed in a chat room. Please be so kind as to refrain from speculations and the spinning of yarns (I like that one, the spinning of yarns) When we are able to and willing to discuss this we will. We've always supported the site and in most cases, except for a few individuals, you all have been very helpful with the brand and genuinely concerned, I assure you we will keep all of you up to speed with info we feel should be divulge. Thanks Phil
You guy are really prying into some private business dealings. Much of which can not and should not be discussed in a chat room. Please be so kind as to refrain from speculations and the spinning of yarns (I like that one, the spinning of yarns) When we are able to and willing to discuss this we will. We've always supported the site and in most cases, except for a few individuals, you all have been very helpful with the brand and genuinely concerned, I assure you we will keep all of you up to speed with info we feel should be divulge. Thanks Phil
All I know is... I won't work for tacos if they are coming from Kentucky. Maybe barbecue... but I'll leave the messkin food to the messkins.
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Bam, too are funny.
come over to El Paso, so we can feed you...your looking a little thin there man!
you ready for Wica's cooking?
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"See my vise as it rolls down the can't it revs too much"
newguy, i'm sorry this happened to you. i never threw any of your equipment but your shoes are the best ! good luck in the future !
just my 2 cents about newguy { phil }.
to me it would be like if peyton became a free agent. kinda thinking a few teams would want him. now in the bowling ball world, i think the same thing will apply to newguy!!!
Phil was supposed to be up here this weekend and that trip has been cancelled, and from what i was told today his other trip later this year in april to montreal has also been cancelled.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Roto-Grip Star Proshop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.
Staff Writer 7-10 Split Magazine,EGO Communications
Montreal, Quebec.
Bad info again...I bowl a team tournament with my friends from Buffa bowling supply. I'm still on the team and still making the trip.
Not only are you guys speculating about things you have no clue about regarding company matters but now it involves my personal involvements. Please stop!!!
I'd be touchy too if I had to read a bunch of incorrect theories about me onan Internet forum!
live from the Bowling Capital of the World
specs and transaction record (positive and negative) in my profile
I think we should just be happy that somebody like Phil is posting on a forum.
You all should just stop dragging the guy's personal life around.
I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.
Agreed Haywood. Thanks Phil for sharing whatever you can.
live from the Bowling Capital of the World
specs and transaction record (positive and negative) in my profile
I'm not dragging anyone through the mudd, i went into buffa on saturday and asked if phil was in town for claremont, and was told he hadn't arrived.
With the dealing going on in texas it's understandable you'd be busy. Eeesh.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Roto-Grip Star Proshop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.
Staff Writer 7-10 Split Magazine,EGO Communications
Montreal, Quebec.