I just acquired an Au79 off someone on eBay. Short money, but it was on the second drill. I got it, plugged the thumb and changed the span to fit me. It's set up with pin under ring, cg kicked out, with a weight hole just past the VAL. I've been throwing it with other balls to get a feel for it, and it's reacting almost exactly like my red Vendetta, which has the pin over the bridge and cg in the palm. Maybe the Au79 is a little roll-ier and notices the dry a little sooner, but not very much. The Vendetta has slightly more surface, but not much.
My question is this: has the cover just not "broken" yet, are these reactions what might be expected, or is my Au79's dynamics messed up from the drillings?
We call it a "solid 10" to make ourselves feel better.
Edited on 1/11/2005 2:09 AM